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Hello everyone this is the first part of how I painted my Golden Demon entry for 2022 - The Mangler Squigs.

Streaming at 2pm GMT today.

Have a great Sunday!

- Dave


Road to Golden Demon - Mangler Squigs - Part 1

Patreon & Members only - Mangler Squigs - Part 1 In this video I discuss my Golden Demon 2022 Progress on the Mangler Squig project. Magnifiers: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Magnifier-Wallfire-Handsfree-Detachable-Electronic/dp/B07FM3YX5V/ref=sr_1_50?crid=3RDEAZ9Z0HYWN&keywords=magnifying+headset&qid=1657821461&sprefix=magnifying+headset%2Caps%2C66&sr=8-50


James Grant

Looking fantastic so far! Im trying to crudely follow along. (Got all sub assemblies primed) Do you think you could list the paint recipes as you go? I tried to find the spines on stream, but a bit unsure - Think they were Stegadon highlighted up? I know stuff changes as you balance the paint job but some basic recipe(s) would be great to have a list as i work through. (If poss) Thaaaanks again for being awesome!


Trying to remember myself now haha, yeah I think it was just stegadon with ushabti and then white added to it. I will take that feedback on board James and try to sort the recipe list soon. Everything is a bit crazy at the moment on the run up to GD. I should be getting the goblins and basing video out this month as well as trying to squeeze another entry in. If you have any questions please feel free to shoot me a dm. Thanks for the kind words!

Elliott Ball

I found this really useful, especially with how you work with sub assemblies. It would be great if you could do a quick vid on how you glue together after you paint avoid gaps.