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Hello guys, this month I'll be doing some changes to prevent "possible" bad things that could happen to my patreon in the future. If you've heard the news, you probably know what I'm talking about. There won't be much changing for you and you'll still be able to view and enjoy all the things I draw for you! 

 Here are the list of future changes:  

- Starting this month I'll slowly start to delete all troublesome related Patreon posts (That's gonna take a while...) 

 - Removing and not posting new sketches on patreon anymore and instead focus on colouring them before uploading 

 - I won't post new artwork here and instead upload them all directly to my Discord & give you a link to the Google Drive archive 

 - Just like on Discord, you'll have access to ALL my SFW/NSFW/Patreon Rewards & Comics I've uploaded so far + future content in the Google Drive archive 

- I'll still keep you updated via patreon posts about new artwork added  

 That way I feel everyone benefits from it and you have an easier time to look through my older content!  You don't need a Google Account to access/view the archive, so there are no restrictions for you to view it.  Since I will be removing all sketches, if there are any sketches you want to download and save, now is the best time to do it. 

 I hope you don't mind the changes too much but under the current circumstances, it's better safe than sorry! 

Thanks to Matasuura & Furbeyo for all the assist of the management ^.^ 



I hope everything goes well for you! Keep up the good work! ♥


Is there an easy way to download all the sketches you posted on here? I dont think I'll be able to download all of them one by one D:

winicklim (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-13 22:39:56 This is the problem of this page haha. I wish too, but there's 1 month time, so you can slowly doing this :> Click the Sketch Tag, and then choose the Date at the side for slowly getting them is the only option, no choice lol and so sorry about this -u-;
2019-06-05 20:32:28 This is the problem of this page haha. I wish too, but there's 1 month time, so you can slowly doing this :> Click the Sketch Tag, and then choose the Date at the side for slowly getting them is the only option, no choice lol and so sorry about this -u-;

This is the problem of this page haha. I wish too, but there's 1 month time, so you can slowly doing this :> Click the Sketch Tag, and then choose the Date at the side for slowly getting them is the only option, no choice lol and so sorry about this -u-;


Almost 2000 images... Well, I better get started then :/


there, some sketches that you're not interest can be skipped xP and really sorry about the trouble again : (


That's fine. If I save at least 100 sketches each day, I'll be able to get all of them downloaded in 18 days. If you want, I can compile all the sketches in 1 big download and give you the link so that others will be able to download it as well. Data will not be lost! I'll make that sacrifice and download it all one by one! :)


ooh, that sounds good and thanks a lot of you can doing this haha, xP But still, this is optional yeah, don't get yourself tired for doing the downloading lol xP


Aw, the sketches were some of my favorite things, pretty sure most don’t end up colored anyways, that said, not fully certain what the change is? Any chance (and this might be annoying, but don’t need a daily post), that you could just upload sketches onto the google drive in a folder by date or etc? Even if done in batches once a week would be cool. (Could share a main folder would give us access to the subfolders without needing a new link every time if you want to update subfolders on a monthly basis or something). Though if done weekly could just share that folder every week instead.


ah, yeah it's like All In One folder. So I just share 1 link for it and you can choose the folder that you wanted to see at there. About the Sketch idea, mhm I'll consider about it : )