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Hey everyone,

I will make only a very quick update. Wife, Kids and I caught the flu... Holidays were a mix of Nightmare and amazing. Amazing because I got a lot of distance from all the troubles at home. Nightmare because travelling with a 1 year old 20+ hours in a different timezone... I will never do that again🤪


Is done! We got the last bits and pieces together that were left. I will make a proper Post about it with all the new stuff (Engine Upgrade, new Hats, new Poses, Environments, Climaxes, etc.) once I fell well again.

Right now I can give you the Dropbox link here:

=> PoseViewer 3.0 Download 

This will be the same that will later be available for download on Affect3d. So you still need to own it and authenticate with your A3D credentials.

And don´t forget to delete the temp folder of the older version, just in case.

One more big news about PoseViewer: we are going mobile! One of the coders is currently investigating the options if it´s possible at all. But first results are very promising! So maybe we will soon have an Android Version 😊

Treasure Island:

The team was really busy and we have so many new and improved things 😊

For example:

  • Cars: since we will have cars in the game to travel around (and probably race) we implemented a system for that. And it comes with a destruction model, nice arcade behaviour and much more. 
  • Grenades: We now also have Grenades. I just love "Kaboom" and wanted them so badly 😋The Shockwaves will also look great once we have interactive Foliage.
  • World Building: We are currently developing a workflow with Houdini & Unreal to get a top-notch procedural approach for most of the Island. Since it´s 4x4km, we simply can´t do everything by hand. The cool about a procedural approach is also, that we can quickly change Biomes. Say we want a European or Desert or Arctic Island, we can rather easily do that. I was thinking this could also be interesting for other/simplified projects. Like Hunting games. But that´s just me being excited. For now the tools will be developed for Treasure Island and polished to be production ready.
  • Story: We already have main Story-Quests defined. There is not other work done on it yet (that´s going to be a LOT of work) but it´s important for us to have the final Story & Quests for the Island design/layout.
  • New Characters: We also got all the Story relevant characters defined. I will start with the design soon. We will have more Futa, Trans, Guys and Girls 🥰
  • DLSS Support: That´s an Nvidia thing that improves Performance based on AI. We gained around 10-20 frames with that. If you have an Nvidia card, it´s definitely going to be noticeable. It can be disabled and set to different settings, depending on how aggressive you want that to affect the final image. 

That´s not all but you get a glimpse of some of the new stuff. We also improved the performance overall, tweaked stuff, fixed bugs, etc. 

Here is a YOUTUBE VIDEO showing some car stuff & the grenades.

Here is a YOUTUBE VIDEO showing some of the world building (and bugs 😋)

Episode 9 - Round 2:

I also want to add, as bonus for you guys, the 2nd round that is mentioned at the end of EP9. It will be 2-3 poses, a nice cumshot/creampie and a tiny bit of story. This will only be in movie Format and not as interactive version. It´s really mostly supposed to be bonus material. 

Alright, that´s it for today. I´m heading back to bed.

Have a great weekend and do let us know how you like the PoseViewer 3.0 Update!

All the very best,
PM & Team




Thanks for all the great news minus the flu news! Hope all feel better soooooon. Excited to check things out!


Thank you for the Update. Really looking forward to the 2nd part of Episode 9!


Thanks so much for the update! It all sounds really great! Pose Viewer has really turned into something better than I had expected from it's first release. I also look forward to the game and the upcoming bonus Ep9 video. Hope you feel better, soon! Welcome back! Thanks PM and team!


The perfect gift for Presiden't Day weekend!

Robert D.

Omg Thankyou so much. I’ve been eagerly awaiting the final release of PV! Can’t wait to play around with it. Have to wait till my GF goes home after the weekend lol.

John Douglas

Woo hoo a no what am trying tonight


Nice hope u could add the condom to the pose viewer ???


hey will the new update be available on steam? that's where i own the game


I’m afraid we can’t do that. It would require a whole set of additional special conditions and we consider PoseViewer done. We need to move on to earn money…


Maybe she also wants to play? We have some poses with Richard and you can choose girls instead of Futa for the receiving characters 😉


hope one day or in next game, it such shame and under used in hq sex games


In the next game it can definitely be an option. We will consider it when we create the framework. It’s just for PoseViewer it would be too much work and we need to wrap it up.

David Rose

Yup! Love it!! 🙈


love the new poses! Is there some kind of bug with clothing? If i set Socks or gloves they sometimes partially disappear (depending of camera angel and environment


Glad you like the poses! I will check the gloves and socks and fix it. I have an idea of what might be the cause. Ideally it’s an easy fix 🙂

Robert D.

Im also having a bug with the clothing. There is alot of flashing and flickering on the characters although im not sure whats causing it as I havent messed with it a lot yet. For example, in the customization screen when all the characters are present, all except the male and jeep are having body parts that are consistently flashing. So im wondering if its certain clothing. Edit- It seems to only be effecting gloves and stockings clothing. I recorded a clip to send if your interested in seeing it. And secondly, every time I launch the game it sets it in a very small window tab with no way to enlarge it or make it full screen. Never had the small screen window issue with the previous builds.


Thanks for reporting and please do send me that video! That is very helpful! Please also make one showing the small window issue. We are using UE5 now and not UE4, so that's probably why. But we'll fix it :)


Looks and run's great on my GTX1080 at 1440P (better then the previous version) I also have the clothing glitches and hope it will be fixed in the newer version. Question: It would be nice if it were possible to pause the action, and/or go a frame back or forward in the photo mode. Could this be possible in a new update? Thanx for the great work!


Nice! Glad to hear it works even better! We are still investigating the glitch thingy. Seems to be a general Unreal Bug... You can slow down the time with the Speed slider and then enter Photomode. We won´t touch that functionality any more. It´s just about getting rid of that Cloth-Glitch and then it´s a wrap 😉

Francesca Prelati

Hi, I own this game on Steam and I am wondering if that means I can access the 3.0 update without owning it on Affect3D? I rather not wait a week for an update and I don't wanna double dip if possible.


Hey, we are currently still investigating that last glitch with the outfits. Once that is done I will upload it to Steam and Affect3D. Right now it´s only with A3D authentication because of the final tests. It's early Access for you guys here 😊If you only have it on Steam I have to ask for a bit more patience until we have a final release.


Lots of new content great! I did notice that if I change Britany’s lipstick it paints her face instead of her lips?! It’s okay if I load a preset from another character tho.

marrianne Alonzo

Amazing update! Lumen helps so much with global illumination. There seems to be a bug with the boobs physics. on certain poses the boobs do not giggle at all now.

marrianne Alonzo

Doggy Stand, Spitrast, Missionary Upright, Mutual ride, foot job, DP Riding, Doggy Lick, Doggy Triple, Lick Ass Play, Double BJ (not to sure about this one since the giggle is minimal), Mast. Knees, Sixty Nine, BJ Stang, Doggy Ground, Low Riding, Doggy Leg Up, Dildo Stand, Dildo Cowgirl, Dildo Ride, Fuck Lick Train, Fuck Self Suck, Blowjob Ride, Wank Ass Tease, DP Split, Doggy Fuck L, Doggy Fuck R, Doggy asslick L, Car Missionary, Car Doggy, Car Asslick, Scissor Wank, Doggy Tease, Doggy Girl L, Doggy Girl R, Top Down DD