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Hey everyone,

We hope you had a great week!

Just briefly what we have been up to and some misc stuff:

Episode 8:
Today I can proudly present some first WIP screenshots from Episode 8. The girls don´t have their outfits yet (will get hotpants and tank-tops), but I thought you would like it anyway when I share some content 😋

You can additional 22 Screenshots from the beginning of EP 8 here:
=> Episode 8 Teaser Screenshots Link 

The Episode will be pretty much exactly 15 minutes, maybe a bit more. As soon as I have the final edit, I can give it to the Audio-Guys and Voice-Over Artists to do their additional Magic 🥰. Ideally, the release will be in June. Again: it depends on how fast I will get the additional content that I need to wrap it up. For me, it's now
polishing and getting the outfits done. The cumshots will be pre-simulated, like in EP7.

Last but not least I was able to optimize the Scene quite a lot, so the performance is around 30% better than EP7. That´s for the realtime-version we will also again release. Does of course not affect the pre-rendered Movie-Version 😉

Episode 9:
Since the animations for EP8 are done, I already started with EP9 as well. But I don´t have an ETA yet. Definitely after Summer though because there are still many things, other than animation, left to be done for EP8. But I could at least start with EP9 while waiting for the others to deliver.

Cumshot System:
As promised we have a WIP video with a skinned mesh (=moving Character) as proof of concept. There are still tons of things to adjust, fix and optimize, but the concept is proven. The technology works, now it´s about making it pretty and improving its performance. 

And you can watch a short video here. But it´s basically the same as what you can see in the Gif.

Voice Overs:
We got voice Overs for 2 more Characters (Richard, Jasmine) but I have to still review them.

Here is one that I really like from Jasmine:
=> "You are so naughty"  

And 2 additional ones here:
=> Additional Voice Overs Jasmine 

The construction site/renovation at our place is in full swing which is very distracting because of the noise. I really hope it´s all done before Summer... However, I am really happy with my output. EP8 is as good as done from my side, so there are no surprises as we had with EP7 because now our workflow in Unreal is already established and was"battle tested" with EP7.

One thing a bit worrying for me is the declining number of Patreons. I talked to other people in the industry and they are all affected. In these times, since Life is more and more expensive for all of us, people have less money to spend on supporting Patreons (regular content and porn in general).

I think, once we have a first Build of the next game, it will also be more engaging and we will grow again. The Episodes are nice, but only a 1-time thing for many people. With a game, you can always go back and have fun. We don´t really have that now with the PoseViewer (or the other games), but I think Patreon numbers will increase again in the future. I am not super worried, but I am also not ignorant of the situation.

What I definitely want to do is involve you guys more with Polls and stuff. I will restructure our Workflow in general a bit as well, also to consider more people testing stuff. Just wanted to let you know that we are working hard (pun intended) on improving things 🙂 and reliably delivering content.

❤️And a big thank you to all of you still supporting us ❤️

Alright, that´s it for this week!

We hope you like the first EP8 Screenshots and that you enjoy your weekend 🥳

All the very best,
PM & Team
