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Hey everyone,

we hope you had a nice week! 😊

We have been very busy the past 2 weeks and almost finished releases for Episode 7 and PoseViewer on Steam! Small stuff is still left, then we can submit and after they approve it release it 2 weeks later. They have this waiting period for new releases.

Also, we have a first, very basic WIP update of the next cumshot system. It´s not yet looking like cumshots, but what we were able to achieve is a Niagra System (GPU Particles) that collides with skinned meshes (=> our Characters).

The big deal about that is, that it´s all GPU based and therefore has a great performance. Once it´s all final we will have proper meshing of the shot, dripping, better looking shaders of the cum on the characters and so on. But it does not come out of the box with Unreal! I know it does not look like much right now, but we are freaking excited because the core technology works 😊

This is indeed close to rocket science and will help us a lot not only for PoseViewer but also with future games. All GPU-based systems are a good choice and really fast :)

You can watch a short R&D video here => GPU collision Test Video

We also started with a Mindmap of the first draft of the next game

It´s currently just bullet points and we need to refine as well as simplify it. Because the simpler the faster we will have results and then we will gradually add more content and features. The Game Design Document for the next game is also constantly updated of course.

Also still on our big To-Do/Research list is an Android and VR version of the PoseViewer. But it´s not top priority and goes along the other tasks as we have time.

Oh, and of course the next Shot-Episode with the Jeep is in the works already. We got 50% of the voice overs done so far :) Screenshot on top is from Maya.

Trinity's interview Voice Overs should hopefully also be done in March so I can start animating.

So while I am working on the next animated stuff (Episode, Interview) my coder friends will work on R&D for the next game. I would love to have a small Island with the current technology (UE5) that you can run around on 😊

Besides from work the Little one is doing fine, we have a major construction/demolition site at our place (need to renovate stuff on this old building) but it all goes according to plan (so far!).

Have a great weekend everyone!

All the very best,
PM & Team




Thank you for the in-depth update. No doubt you all are working hard to turn out some more great content, which I know we're all looking forward to. Glad to know things are going well with your little one, also. Best of luck with renovations, too. Recently bought a house myself, so I have my own projects to look forward to!


Very welcome and thank you! And good luck with the house! Fingers crossed there is not too much to repair :) Our house is like 250years old and you find things you won´t believe... Like waterpipes coming from somewhere and ending in the middle of the floor. Leaking... But the house has it´s own charm 🤣


Wow, all around fantastic.

James Deaney

love the effort you put into this PM.