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Hey everyone!

I hope you had a great week!

So this week I want to show you that we have the final hair for Jasmine and Marcia as well. They will not be in EP7, just that you know! But since I had that Freelancer do the hair for our Stars in EP7, I wanted to have proper hair for all Characters. Definitely an investment for the future, because we will use it from now on for simply everything! And of course there are screenshots for you!

Episode 7:

  • The final edit went to the Voice-over Artists (some time ago already) for one final go and I am waiting for them to deliver. 
  • Fluid Simulation is done in Houdini (by a Freelancer, not me) and will look pretty amazing 🙂 
  • Other things to polish: Fix collisions, Set-Dressing, final Lighting, small Animation fixes and so on.
  • Ideally we will also have a Trailer in 1-2 weeks!

So yeah, slowly but surely putting all small puzzle pieces together to get the final product. Tons of small stuff that adds up and is pretty time consuming. But the bottleneck so far are the voice overs. I really hope I will get them soon.

EP7 Release plans:

  • 1st release will be the standard movie version (Futa on Girl). I am still aiming for November
  • 2nd release will be the guy movie version (Guy on Futa). Release in December
  • 3rd release will be the interactive Version. We need to optimize the hell out of it because I have like 10fps with the current settings. It looks amazing, and that´s what we want for the movie, but we need to make it run on a normal computer with 30fps. But for the rendering we want to have the best possible quality. Release should also be in December
  • 2022 Puppetmaster Full Bundle on Affect3D. That will include, like usual, all products that were done so far. Release will be December, probably for Christmas. 

After EP7:

  • Recover, enjoying Christmas Holidays (Dec. 24th until January 8th)
  • Becoming Father beginning of January (between January 1-10, calculated is the 8th) 
  • Updates for PoseViewer (more poses & climaxes, adding new characters, adding new hair, research about VR & Android Version, Research about moving to UE5)
  • Starting the next game (more on that at a later point)
  • Collecting ideas for shorter (Sub) Episodes. Less complex and therefore with faster release cycles. 

Once the new kid is here I will take it slower of course. The good thing though is, that updating the PoseViewer and the Research stuff can mostly be done by my coders. So I won't stop delivering new content 🙂 

Alright, that´s it for this week! Have a great weekend!

All the best,




Can't wait! Just curious, is this your main job or is it a side hustle? I admire the empire you've built!


Main Job, not possible to make products like that as a side job. Actually more a job for around 3 people I have been doing. Hard but therefore I am my own boss :)

Michael Hermesmeyer

Beautiful!! I love the short hair, but that last shot of the red head! 😍 Love the tattoo!