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Hey everyone,

I hope you had a nice week! Just a quick update from my side:

Episode 7:
I am done with the story sequences and will start with the Sex-Sequences next. End of next week that should be done and then I have the full edit of the movie and I can give it to my friend who will do the sounds & music. 

I don´t have a lot to show since there is so much work in progress still, but I made some high-res screenshots of all the girls for you. Hope you like them 😊They are already the tweaked versions with more details. Especially around the Nose & Lips are much more subtle details compared to before. 

We might (can´t promise) also get proper hair for the pre-rendered Version of Episode 7. That will also give a major boost in Quality. And last but not least I will rework the eyelashes also, but that's something for the polishing phase. 

And just for the fun of it I also added some blooper screenshots of what happens when things don´t work 🤣

Lily leaving 😥:
Good news for Lily, she got a full-time job! Bad news for us, she won't be able to help with the administrative part so I have to take over which means even more work... But of course I will try to get someone else to help out with that. I'll keep you posted.

Last but not least I will be Father a 2nd time 🥳 Not a surprise for me of course, but probably for you 😊 Baby is due beginning of January (ideally after the Christmas-Holidays from my 1st kid). I will take it a bit slower then, which I anyway would have had to do to not burn out completely. But it´s still some time until then. That´s another reason why I want the house to be done asap so I don´t have any construction/repair stuff going on when the baby is here. 

Alright, that's it for this week! I hope you like the update and thanks for sticking around and your patience!

All the very best and have a great weekend! 




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