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that´s a big update for me :) I got for all our current girls the new hairstyles from the outsourcing guy! I am really really happy that we finally have great looking hair! That is really the best you can get out of Unity. I don´t even want to start about transparency sorting issues and other stuff. Long story short: the hair finally looks a lot more like hair and I am happy :) The new hairstyles will be used in all future Projects. So next one will be EP6! There will be a bit of tweaking that I do myself, but nothing major. They are 99% done.

You can have a look at 1080p videos of those turntables here:

=> LINK Hair Turntables 

Next plans are:


  • Finish Marcia (Rig & Hair)
  • Get all the voice overs for EP6
  • Finalize the Set and set everything up so we can start the actual production of EP6 in January. There are still tons of optimizations necessary.


  • Full start the production of EP6
  • Brainstorming about the next game
  • Aiming for a release of EP6 End of March.

And I will be on Christmas(School) Holidays from Dec 24th until Jan 7th.

So after Christmas I want to show more content again. I have a lot of other stuff still to do. Like setting up my computer again, properly backing up all kinds of data. Streamlining workflows etc. etc. Basically a lot of cleaning up.

But next year will be a lot more directly getting and implementing feedback from you guys in the new game. I honestly can´t wait for that :)

Alright, that's it for this weeks update! I hope you like it and have a great weekend ahead :)

All the best,
PM & Team



The Handsome One

The hair looks fantastic. Can’t wait to see how the cumshots and Marcia turn out.


Ohh.. these are looking awesome! Keep up the amazing work


Fantastic works


Thanks! The coder who is in charge of that takes a bit longer. I hope I can still show something this year. But I can´t promise. It´s a very complicated thing to do (nobody did that before) and just takes some time.

Draven Shadow

As you continue to show your awesomeness! Hence why you are the Master. 😁👍


Wow! Those look really good. Colour me impressed. ^_^


Thank you! Although this time the credit goes to the outsourcing guy. I just did the art direction/managing ;)