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EDIT: Updated from 2.2 to 2.3 with Audio bug for FullNelson fixed!

Hey everyone!

I hope you had a nice week :) 

I will make it really short today: 

We have an update for you of Episode 5! You get it 1 week earlier than the official release on A3D :)

  • It's Version 2.2 now
  • We basically fixed all the reported bugs  - thanks for your input!
  • Improved the performance a bit 
  • Added Full Nelson Pose

You can download it here => LINK Episode 5 v2.3  

We also have the SA-Game PC already tested and fix reported bugs. The release beginning of December is definitely going to happen :) And I have a nice screenshot for you from the newly added pose for it. 

I will record a video with it also for you, but that´s for next week. I am a bit under pressure because of some additional work I got (TV Advertisement).

We try to get as much done as possible in November, so we can have a bit more relaxed time in December. I want to work more on Marcia (she is on hold right now), continue with R&D for rigging and facial Mocap and so on. One thing at a time :)

Alright, that´s it from me for this week! I hope you like the update and have a great weekend! 




Bob Fink

Can't wait to give it a try!


First the good news... the full nelson scene looks great; way better than I thought it would. The bad news... it's pretty buggy. There is no vocal audio, just music (but I still love the music). All the cam views go whipping of the the left of the screen. The cinematic cam is fine. These issues only affect the full nelson scene. All the other scenes from 5.1 behave fine, including the audio. I have some suggestions too, but I'll save those for another day.


Not getting any Audio other than Music on the Full Nelson Scene.


Здравствуйте, я только что отправил вам сообщение. Сначала вы должны "купить" товар в Affect3D (для этого вы получаете ваучер от меня).


awsome may i have the code please?


May I have the code please?


it says i havent purchased it


May I have the code please?


May I have the code, please? :D


Yay! Can I get the code please?


May i have the code please ? :D


Can I get the code please ?


Hey, I just sent you a message with instructions :)


Id like to have the code for episode 5


Hi, may I have the code for episode 5 please?


Would like to have the code pls :)