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EDIT:  Added cameras to the spitroast pose & a video

 Change log:

  • Lot's of internal optimizations to improve the visual quality & performance while having more content.
  • Ambient Occlusion should not have such an impact on performance anymore. 
  •  Mountain tweaked and lots of Vegetation added - you can go around the Island and see it everywhere.
  • Spitroast added making it a total of 10 characters in the scene!  The performance should still be roughly the same! Please let me know how it works for you.
  • Bar improved with proper Booze and it also got a door now. No need to hop over the tray every time ;)
  • Tweaked eyes so eye color can then be tweaked as well for EP5.

LINK => BENCHMARK Download v1.2 

LINK=> VIDEO Download 

Enjoy :)




Sweet! I look forward to trying this out! When I can get some alone time, that is... lol.


Can't wait! Know what i'm doing after my shift...


Yus... Gonna check it out soon.

John Douglas

Is there any way u can download this on your phone or pad I have a Samsung Galaxy phone and Samsung pad


I'm not sure that there are not different from last update. There are no Spitroast screen or I have to press anything before. and there are no beach screen either.

Bob Fink

Looks very cool, is it supposed to be a loop of them on the beach chairs? I don't see any way to change scenes.


Did you change something? Cause I'm getting 62 to 63fps ave with a high of 78 and a low of 45 at 1440. Which is awesome.


At the bottem left there is a button where you can switch to free camera. You can then navigate to the place where they are on the beach.


Is there going to be a video version of this? I would like to play it but my computer isn't really capable of running it at higher than 15-20 fps at 720 unfortunately


Oh My Goodness! This is just a demo and it's already so good. The ladies, the scenery, is all just so gorgeous! And it has sooo much potential too. I could envision alternate swimsuits, poses, movements, interactions, characters, etc etc etc being added over time, at your convenience to keep the game fresh. Would it be possible to have something like a character builder be possible? Something to tweak skin, eye, hair, proportions, height scale, etc? Good grief, I'm feeling faint just thinking about it. This is out of left field, but do you think it would be possible to navigate with a 3D mouse (3Dconexxion?).


Very nice. Looks better and better. Can't wait for the final...


Such a shame I cant play this properly on my laptop. Will there be an Episode 5 instead of a game, or am I mistaken?

Jim Nobody

Does the door at the bar actually do anything? Looks amazing!


On my Nvidia GTX 970 it runs ~30 fps at 1440p and ~55 fps (depending on what I'm looking at) at 1080p. All in all it's looking great! Can't wait to see what's next :P Are there any plans to have a POV camera? It would be pretty hot to be able to see the action from the perspective of the girls ;)


Just me or is the link broken?


A Character builder is not possible because that would break the animations. Imagine bigger boobs and then the hands stay where they are. So they would intersect. This is also just a benchmark for Episode 5. For the next game after EP5 we will have more customization. But I don´t think we will have a character builder... And I don´t have a 3D mouse so I can't test that, sorry...


There will be the real-time version with customization and basic decisions. And for everyone who can´t play that on PC, there will be a regular video. So no need to worry, you can all enjoy Episode 5 :)


Nope, but somebody mentioned to me "hey, does she have to hop over the bar every time? how about a door?" and since I had a spare one... :)


superb, if u keep like this who need wife anyway , hehe


With the version 1.2 in 1080P CPU: i7 4770k GPU: GTX 1070 RAM: 24G DDR3 between 60 and 120 fps Amazing works, I have constated a little probleme of occlusion light in the pool scene (flashing lighting)


Cool, thanks for testing! I did notice the flashing thing also, it should not happen in the future. Seems it has to do with the near&far clip plane of the camera. I already changed that and will probably make an update just to see if it really worked.

Arnd Ludwig

GeForce GTX 1660 Ti (Nvidia 445.87, DirectX 12) 1920*1080 all settings (chromatic, bloom, ..) on 58fps on characters, grass, ... 140fps on just ocean and sky all settings off 70fps on characters, grass, ... 155fps on just ocean and sky 2560*1440 all settings (chromatic, bloom, ..) on 40fps on characters, grass, ... 90fps on just ocean and sky all settings off 44fps on characters, grass, ... 100fps on just ocean and sky 3840*2160 all settings (chromatic, bloom, ..) on 22fps on characters, grass, ... (animation looked still ok, Navigation a little bit choppy, but doable) 40fps on just ocean and sky all settings off 25fps on characters, grass, ... 45fps on just ocean and sky Benchmark 1.2 GeForce GTX 1080 (Nvidia 445.75, DirectX 12) 1920*1080 all settings (chromatic, bloom, ..) on 84fps on characters, grass, ... 130fps on just ocean and sky all settings off 90fps on characters, grass, ... 135fps on just ocean and sky 2560*1440 all settings (chromatic, bloom, ..) on 62fps on characters, grass, ... 110fps on just ocean and sky all settings off 66fps on characters, grass, ... 118fps on just ocean and sky 3840*2160 all settings (chromatic, bloom, ..) on 35fps on characters, grass, ... (animation looked still ok, Navigation a little bit choppy, but doable) 55fps on just ocean and sky all settings off 39fps on characters, grass, ... 62fps on just ocean and sky


Thank you very very much! Awesome! And I am very glad to see that the performance improved quite a lot :) Thank you so much for testing :)