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Hey everyone,

today is the big day for the Steam release and tomorrow on Affect3D! 

Just a reminder:
whoever is eligible (Pledge 15$ or more, and no code received this month), please write me a message for what platform you would like to receive a code!

Here are the links:

Link => BHA on STEAM 

Link => BHA on AFFECT3D 

Enjoy and have a great weekend :)


PS: If you get it on Steam, please leave a good rating, thanks!
PPS: Steam friends invitation link (in case you are interested):




So you did say that for people who already bought it on affect3D will get the updated version correct?


No, that is a completely new version and I invested a lot of time, effort and money (coding needs to be paid) into this one. Also, this is a PC version. If I make an update for the Android & WebGL version, the update will be free. Same goes for the PC version. But Android&WebGL and this PC version are 2 different things.


Congratz on the release. May you make lots of $$$$.

Geoffrey Hill

So just so we are clear this Pc version is totally different to the Android one I already have ?

Draven Shadow

Yes!! So glad this is out and really hope all the best for you friend! SO happy I can help in my small way with supporting you here. 😁😁


Well, it´s a PC version. The poses and everything is the same. But improved graphics and camera system. But the core stuff is the same.

John Douglas

Soo glad it's out hope it makes a lot of $$


Hmmm I think someone messed up at affect3D or is it suppose to sell for $9,999.00?


No, since it´s not live yet and we had to test if it works, we had to enable the page. Tomorrow it will have the correct price of $10.000 :D Just kidding, it will be slightly lower than on Steam. I believe $21.99


It's already live on A3D as well! :)

mr pants

Will there be a Linux version also?


That´s not planed so far. I don´t have a Linux version and never developed anything for Linux, so I would have to dig into that. But I want to focus on EP5 now.


magnification is great. gradually increase breast and ass


Very weird. I just downloaded it, extracted it and ran it. It asked me to authorize on Affect3D Store, so I did it and it doesn't go past the loading screen - no crash, no crash log. Is is just a very long loading time? :( (Intel i7-4990K, Nvidia GTX 970, 16GB RAM)


Did a browser open with the "Authenticate Dialogue"? It should definitely run fine on your system. We have people with a GTX 960 and it runs fine on their system.


Hey, I bought the Game in the Affect 3d Store and i have the same Problem. Any Suggestions?


We are looking into that right now. I guess we will have an updated version today.

Grenot Guillaume

Same problem here... The game is endlessly loading for half an hour...

Bob Fink

The quality is so awesome and runs well on my new laptop. Question, once you fill the thermometer shouldn't there be a cum button that appears?


That depends on the pose! It does not show for all poses. When we first did the game, you had to play one pose after the other in order to finally reach a pose where she cums. Then I made a poll and the vast majority said "have the poses unlocked from the start". so that´s why there is no cum button for all poses. Not like in the SA-Game. Which I will also port to PC after EP5 is done :)


Wow, the graphics are much improved! Few suggestions and requests for updates: (1) make the camera controllable one-handed, because reasons; (2) add a "quit" or "exit" button on the main menu; (3) add a save feature that lets you skip the meter-filling if you have already completed it; (4) add an option to remove Brittany's vagina (sacrilegious, I'm sure). Keep up the great work! Woo!


Thanks for the feedback! 1. We had that for Android and WebGL, but felt that we need a better system for PC. But you can set the cameras to your favorite positions and then use "Auto Camera" to get a movie-kind-of feeling. The game will also remember those positions! 2. You can make reaaalllyy big movements with the mouse, that will fill it up in no time 3. That would require redoing the model completely and also adapting the animations where we have vaginal penetration. And the 2 girls are famous for being Futa, so we keep them like that ;)


Hi, I'm new. Can I get a code for Affect3D please


Hi, would like a code for Affect3D please :)


Hello! Can i have the Steam version please? :)


Hello, could i get a code for this? thanks in advance


Hi, could i get a code for this?

Metal Fox

Hey, don't know if its to late to ask. But can I get a Steam code please?