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Hey everyone! 

I hope you had time to enjoy the holidays! I had a very relaxed time with my family and could really recharge. Feels great :)

And I have big plans for 2020 :)

Piracy is a huge problem and it really bothers me. Not only because of missing sales (EP4 is still a financial disaster, despite everyone saying it´s the best episode so far) but also because of how much this is causing stress for me. I need to fill out DMCA-Takedown requests, I need to follow up on them, I am getting upset when there is again someone claiming my work for theirs and so on. So long story short: we need to work on that because it´s really killing me.

My approach on that are 2 things:
the main thing is to create an interactive movie that needs authentication (like the games). So you start an executable (not a movie file), authorize it (once) and can then enjoy a realtime-rendered movie like a cutscene in a game. Of course, I will improve the quality compared to the regular games. Very much like the Christmas movie, I shared with you in my last post (that executable is still crashing and we can't fix it because the log just says "Crash". I will come up with something else!).

In order to achieve better quality, we will have those "interactive movies" on PC/MAC/LINUX (whatever makes sense) and not for Android and WebGL because the Hardware can't handle that. "Interactive Movies" because I would like to give you options before the movie starts. Like basic customization, in key situations an option to choose something and so on. That way, the replay-value is a lot higher because everyone can make their very own version of the movie. Of course, things need to be rather simple decision wise, but at least we will have something like: "Chose Brittany/Trinity to be active for this pose". I am currently doing a lot of R&D about that.

Second: for those of you who don´t have powerful hardware to enjoy the interactive version, I will still provide a pre-rendered movie file with the standard-settings. No option to choose outfits, make decisions. Just like the episodes we had so far. But therefore you can watch it on any device.

The whole thing should ideally have people want to have the interactive version (and not only the movie-file) because the replay value is higher and therefore piracy will probably not be such an issue. Fingers crossed that works out! 

So all that needs some time to figure things out and I will most likely start with the next episode end of February, beginning of March. But before I actually start the production, I need a script, voice-overs etc. So all that takes time anyway as well. For summer we should then have a nice new Episode with the new technology already :)

I will change from weekly updates to updates every 2 weeks. That will help me a bit better handling work/life and my main page will also not be so cluttered and more with really essential stuff. Of course, I will make in-between updates if there is something super-cool/important. But the usual rhythm will be an update every 2 weeks. 

Since there will be fewer main updates, I would like to use my Discord server more. Currently, it's pretty much dead I would like to change that. I will not write a lot more there myself, but I think it would be great if it becomes a place where you guys can exchange ideas, talk about whatever you like and just have fun there. If you have ideas for more channels, please let me know! 

I will go through the posts and delete everything that is outdated/does not have content in it. That should make it a bit less messy.

While I am doing my R&D about the next steps, I will work my way through the poses from our famous Pose-Poll :) And I will from now on create movies in Unity with the best possible quality. 

Supporter Numbers have dropped recently, but I still plan to start working full-time on my 3DX stuff from February on and see how it goes! And I will do it in a way that I don´t burn out :) And hopefully more people will join anyway this year! 

Last but not least I wish you a happy new year and want to thank you again for your support!

I have a great feeling about 2020 and I am sure we will totally rock it together :)

All the very best,

PS: I did have some time to work on the my last commission animation and you can see a first teaser here. The final one will be in 4K with 60fps and a bit longer than 2min!  

=> LINK 




I'm sorry you dealing with that. I purchased smartphone version from affect3d. Have you thought about creating an artificial watermark that requires authentication? Anyways...I hope you make more smartphone versions.


I just want to encourage you, don't let the bad stuff get to you - then it's hurting you twice, financially and emotional/health, too. I've seen other 3d animators who work with pre-packaged programs (right term?) and just have a patreon and put out work for free. I realize the quality of your work is much different than that sort of animation, yours is all custom, takes longer (and it's worth it imo!). I'm just mentioning it as a way to look at your current monetization model. The most successful media I see today (games) give out their game for free, and support it with microtransactions. The model is more profitable than direct game sales. You have a game already, you could give out the base game for free, and sell all the costumes, poses, environments, toys, etc. I hope I'm not out of line, I think your work is excellent and worth supporting, I just feel fighting piracy like you have will be never ending and hurt you in the long run.


Happy new year! Once again I'm really sorry EP4 was such a disappointment to you. Let me understand your plans better. The main release will be something akin to the game (in a game engine), but there will also be a video (without the customization) similar in quality to previous episodes? Or will all versions of the product be done in Unity? While I like the idea of customizing in the "game" I really doubt Unity can match the quality of rendered video, but as long as we get the video as well I'm all in! It will be sad to gen only one post per 2 weeks. Honestly it was really fun to know that we would get some news of something each Friday, but hopefully the discord will pick up. I wish you the best of luck with going full time 3DX!

Bob Fink

Sorry you're dealing with piracy, but your plan for the future episodes sounds like a solid one that I feel should work great.


It sucks piracy made ep4 do poorly was definetly the best. But if I'm being honest. I don't really like interactive movies. I usually watch your videos on my android smartphone in video format. I barely use interactive movies. I would still support you to see how they come out first. But I don't know if I would like them as much as regular video format how they have been so far. This piracy thing really sucks. I hope you figure out a good way to help you deal with it.


"For summer we should then have a nice new Episode with the new technology already :)" That was nice but don't rushing so hard. You will be tired too fast, I could wait for long-run of your production. "talk about whatever you like and just have fun there" before someone get started to talk, it must have something trigger like update in Patreon which will talk about in this comment. So I think Discord would be still empty. (I just assume cause even I'm in 15% Tier but haven't got any to access to your discord.)


Damn, PM I am so sorry that you're dealing with this crap, aside from my support here all I can give you is the encouragement to do what you feel is best but don't overwork yourself man. I know it was a financial screw you to you but EP4 is living proof to your talent to me all the same. The piracy thing is bullshit, especially that one asshat you were dealing with . Don't rush yourself PM, do what you gotta do first to recover from these issues and we'll more then understand 👍🏻


I did write a couple of companies that do watermarks for movies, but they never came back to me. And yes, there will be smartphone versions also. Regular movies for those who don´t want/can´t play the interactive ones.


Hey, thanks a lot! I do plan to create a new game for 2020 also and will ask for your guys opinions anyway. I am working with additional transactions already. The customization DLC for my games both cost extra money. People don´t have to buy it (they are only for looks and don´t affect the gameplay) but if they want, they can. This works pretty well and it has not been cracked so far :) And yes, Piracy will be never ending. That´s why I want to think of different things to better deal with it. If there is an extra value to the interactive movies, I hope people are more likely to buy it. We will see :) It's going to be an interesting experiment for sure!


Hey, yes you got it right. One part will be an interactive movie in a game engine. Additional there will be a movie file like we have it for the current episodes (MP4). That video file will also be produced in Unity and I am working hard to get really nice quality. The look will be a bit different than from the movies we have so far but, and that´s a big but, I can focus more on different cameras and cooler camera moves, I have things like proper depth of field, I have bloom, I have lens flares, I have all kinds of really cool stuff that will probably make it look even better than . Yes, the style will look different (every renderer has a unique look to it) but therefore we have other things that will make it look better. When you look at the Christmas movie I did and the current DoubleBoobJob Teaser, the quality already improved. And I hope to improve it even more :) I am still researching about that.


And you are not the only one watching Media mostly on smartphones. According to Pornhub the vast majority is consuming Porn on their phones. That´s why I will provide you also with a regular MP4. Or hopefully by then we will have streaming on Affect3d. That will make it easier as well. But don´t worry, I will provide you guys with a regular video as well :)


The next episode will not be as complex as EP4 and Summer is between June and August ;) So somewhere in those months I plan to have the next release. But you should have access! For most people it works but for some Patreon fucked something up again.... I will send you an invitation for Discord.


Hey, thanks a lot! I am feeling great now after the holidays. So now it´s time for a new experiment with the interactive movies (and the extra movie file for those who only want to watch a movie). And this year, I really won´t rush and take my time :)


Alright thanks hopefully you can figure a good way to fight piracy. So we can still get our videos. I am willing to try whatever you do and see how it goes and give feedback.


As always I'll help how I can, I know that's not much but still


Hmm. For me there is a great difference between the 'gamey', over saturated look and feel of stuff done in Unity compared to the regular movies, so I am pretty apprehensive about the complete shift to Unity :(. Anyways I'll wait to see what you come out with and hope everything will be alright in the end.


It's great to hear you're already thinking of other ideas, and your positivity, too! Here's to a great 2020!


I totally feel you! I will try to get as close as possible to pre rendered look. I will also use raytraced technology to have maximum quality. Even if I should not be able to really reach pre rendered quality, shifting now is a good time I believe. Because now we have already great results from Realtime solutions and this is going to be the future soon anyway. So I will also improve the quality over time. But I feel you and trust me, I also had my concerns.


Hey, so sorry to hear that the piracy was that bad, but the ideas you've out forward are sound, I will miss the pre-rendered look for your work, as the girls looked so beautiful in the last vid, but if that's what you've gotta do to combat pirates, then that's what you've gotta do, still happy to be supporting you & hope you manage to get an assload of compo from the pirate.

Clayton Brody

Sup PM. Happy New year and thanks for providing me/us with fap material worth cumming back for ha heuk heuk! XD. Seriously though, EP4 was THE SHIT, the Egyptian aesthetic was a stroke of genius and is sexy and seductive as f*ck to me. Can't imagine what can top this. The girls just look so good in the setting. Brittany licking Jasmine while getting her ass worked by Trinity is probably my favourite scene/position from all your works. Straight fire. Can you add this to the game please? :D And a slider for balls? PS, Trinities cock clips through Brittany during the "dick bend" anal position, though you can only see this if you manage to get under the couch looking up(I was REALLY bored that night, lul) With regards to the piracy, honestly not surprised. IMO there are only 3 creators who make work in 3dx on this level of production: (in no specific order) You (PM) Miro Animopron Your works will always be sought after & be stalked by these fiends until release, but there must be a way to at least hold them back for as long as possible. Besides, you added a girl WITHOUT a cock this time, OMEGA LUL. Mutha F*ckas got even more thirsty after that I'm sure. Anyway, that's enough raving from me! Here's to an awesome 2020! All the best! :)


Hey, the look will definitely be different but I am constantly improving the quality. The girls will stay pretty, don't worry ;)


Hey, glad you liked it that much :) I do have plans for another game this year where I want to add just any pose I ever did. But not to the current one. But more about that in a future update ;)


I'm not worried, I'm sure you'll put out great quality

John Douglas

Am on the same boat I only have a Samsung Galaxy phone and a pad and am sorry that u have not had a gd year I really hope this year is awesome this year for u and your team and I just want to say again wot I texted last time episode 4 was very hot can not wait to find out were there going next really looking forward to wots to come

Icarus Unleashed

PM, I want to thank you for your perseverance through the difficulties. You know we love your work (that's why we're here), so I'm so glad you've decided to weather this storm and see what other options are available. I think the "gamification" idea is a good one; I've seen a number of what is essentially a video gated by an entry point that checks for a valid license, kind of like a PC-based DRM. This rules out a segment of customers, though, as they don't have the ability to run such executables or they won't want to. It also creates more work for you as you have to do various builds (windows and mac os at least). I'm not sure how else to do this, though, as once someone gets a hand on the raw MP4 they can do whatever they want if you don't have DRM encoding, and if you do it'll just take them a few more minutes to crack the encoding, so... the game approach sounds like your best option. Keep up the great work, PM... and happy new year!


Yeah that´s why I will also provide a movie. I am aware that not everybody has a PC with gaming hardware inside. No need to worry, you will get a movie :)


For now I want to test how this will work out in general. I will however, provide a regular movie as well (as usual) for those who don´t have the option to run an executable. But, the unique selling point is that you can have a customization for things when you do run the executable. So in an ideal world, people who only watch the pirated version will go "oh, but I would like them to have this hair colour/that outfit" and will then go buy it. It´s an experiment. Let's hope it works :)


It seems the ones mostly affected by this will be the android users (me). I tried games with interactive movies (Neva) and I honestly didnt enjoy it at all. This system actually making me worried. The best part of your games was that you're the only smartphone game with true interactivity.


No no, you got that wrong. I will still provide a regular MP4 file for people with phones. The executable is only for PC (and maybe Mac).


Well I thought smartphone users would get interactive movies. But it's actually just an MP4? That makes me even less hopeful. As I made clear I'm an android (smartphone) user. So that practically guaranteed there wont be any worthwhile content I could access....only MP4s...which again. One of the best things about your content was that you are the ONLY content creator who made for smartphone that actually offers true interactivity.


No, you got that wrong again :) Let me try to explain again. The whole point of those interactive movies is to add a unique selling point for my EPISODES. So right now you guys only got MP4 files for the episodes anyway. I am now just ADDING the interactive version (with very limited interactivity) in the form of an executable file. But for the average user, the way how to enjoy an Episode will still be an MP4 file (or hopefully streaming by the time I release the next episode). This is only for Episodes and completely independent of my Games. Really no need to worry about me abandoning Android. I know that there is very little good content for Android and that I am covering that field. It would be stupid from my side to stop that :)


I can of course also try to port the interactive movies to Android, but I don´t know how much work that is and how well it will look like... But now that you are saying that, I will maybe do that also. That´s something I have to find out during my R&D phase.

John Douglas

Just asking see because the games are only getting done for PC and mac can u do image sets wood be very good