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Hey everyone,

I hope you had a great week and enjoyed Episode 4 :)

About EPISODE 4 - The Expedition:

  • The positive thing about EP4:
    I got a lot of very good feedback and 99% of it was roughly like "Awesome, best episode ever!"
    That´s pretty awesome and I am very proud of the end-result of the movie :)
  • The negative thing about EP4:
    Sales are really not impressive. They are actually really bad, despite the great feedback and exposure. The first weekend is always the one with most of the sales and then the numbers go down quite rapidly. After 1-2 month sales are very low in general because of piracy. But this time, Episode 4 was pirated from the very first day. I had a lot of links taken down, but they just keep popping up. If sales continue like that, Episode 4 will be a financial disaster for me.

    If you find any piracy links, especially on streaming platforms, please send me a private message so I can take care of it! 


  • We will have an update ready for you most likely next week Friday, with Jasmine in suitable poses. 
  • And of course, you can also customize her ;)

About a special CHRISTMAS Treat:

  • I am currently assembling a quick video for an Affect3D charity special. They will donate the money that is made with that to a good cause, and I never had the chance to participate in the last years. This year I took poses that I already made and tried extracting a video directly out of Unity. The results are really nice I think. After my break (will start on the 23rd but I will write more about that next week), I will evaluate more about that. But I think it looks pretty nice already :)
  • Why is that interesting for you? Of course, you will also get the video AND I will try to make a PC build so you can navigate in that Scene on your PC with maximum visual quality! I will also try to have that for next week's update. 

About my GOALS: 

  • As you might have noticed I reached my final goal to work fulltime on 3DX content for you. Since Episode 4's sales are bad, I am struggling with money quite a bit right now. But with your help and support, I will continue! You are really saving my ass!
  • I will quit all the other things I am working on in February (have to finish some projects) and then work normal hours on 3DX. In a sustainable way, with holidays and without burning out. I have to change my work-life balance and even though it means a big financial cut quitting my other things, I will still do that. Better earn less and therefore have a life and not burning out :) Thank you so much for making this possible :)

That´s it from me! Have a great weekend and thanks again for your ongoing support! 

All the very best,




Didn't you take some break after EP4 released at all?lol And you mean after February, Brittanny and Trinity will take some action more frequency? Got to prepare for money(and dick) drained again.


Hi , also den Teil des Posts über die Finanzen finde ich echt erschreckend,ich hätte gedacht dass die Verkaufszahlen durch die Decke gehen,das es genau andersherum ist ist echt schade,also ich kann dir versichern ich habe mir die Episode über Affect3D Store gekauft schon weil in meiner Sammlung nichts minderwertiges wie eine piracy version verloren hat,aber ich kann den Trend den du beschreibst gut aus eigener Erfahrung nachvollziehen,ich Supporte hier noch einige andere Leute und deren Material erscheint fast kontinuierlich auf Rule34 manchmal sehe ich erst daran das es hier einen neuen Post von einem meiner Artists gegeben hat weil meine mailing app zu langsam ist,mit links von Stream Plattformen kann ich dir leider nicht dienen weil ich das wirklich ablehne,gut wenn Amateure was von sich hochladen...gut,aber Material von großen Namen wie Brazzers und co sind auf solchen Plattformen doch immer in miserabler Qualität,und da ich Pornografie am liebsten auf mein Flatscreens genieße kaufe ich da auch lieber das Original. Ich verstehe das auch insgesamt nicht wirklich eine Mitgliedschaft kosten so um die 30€ im Monat was in meinen Augen wirklich nicht viel ist da ich Leute kenne die diese Summe fast täglich für Zigaretten ausgeben,aber ich hoffe das du es schaffst deine Kunst zu verteidigen ich drücke dir und deinem Team die Daumen dass sich viele Leute bei dir mit dubiosen links melden,mit besten Wünschen TheButcher.


I have to finish some other projects and will start my holidays on December 23rd. After February the frequency will be roughly the same. But with the difference that I am not burning out because I will only work on 3dx stuff. Right now I am way to close to being burned out completely. Next year I plan to work normal hours, have holidays, time with my family. Just normal work and not crazy amount...


Hey, danke für deine Anteilnahme. Ja das ist echt ein massives Problem und ich muss mir da echt was überlegen. Weil so geht das echt nicht weiter. Glücklicherweise habe ich aber Leute wie dich, die mich unterstützen, und werde eben ab nächsten Jahr komplett auf 3DX umsteigen und normale Arbeitszeiten haben. Es ist schon sehr erschütternd, nachdem ich so viel Energie und Geld in die Episode investiert habe, dass Piracy echt von Anfang an so ein massives Problem ist. Aber gut, dann verdiene ich eben weniger und finanziere mich vorwiegend über Patreon.


😔 Sorry to hear piracy is really hurting you. You've earned every dollar for your Awsome videos. I will always purchase everything you make and support you with how much I can give on patreon. You have made me your fan for life 😁. I hope you keep making more awesome content and that you don't lose too much money from piracy.


Hey, thanks a lot for your kind words and support. I will continue creating content, I just have to think of a way that piracy will not be such a major impact in the future.


Hey man, great content on Ep4, but pirates are true arseholes. I'm pleased that you've managed to reach your goal & hope that you manage to recover from the dickheads stealing your work. Merry Christmas Puppetmaster & hopefully 2020 will be an even better year for you!


Hey, thanks a lot. I will slowly recover with your help and the help of my other patrons . It will take way longer, but I can continue with what I love. So as long as that works, I won´t give up :)


i'd bet there is a way for the people at affect3d to embed a user's salt into the metadata for everything they download, allowing the artists to have them banned from downloading if they find their file online. I hope you at least got some new patreons out of it.


That´s not really possible. Or people are just re-converting it and the data is gone. I don´t really get a lot of new patreons from those multiple million views from all my content on streaming&pitacy sites. I am not exaggerating. Unfortunatelly...

michael whipps

I believe animopron who did the infamous laura tomb raider with a horse was on patreon but moved all his/her stuff to a solo website, might have been Tumblr.I am not that computer savvy but wouldn't moving your stuff to a private website maybe with your own server help?..jus wondering


I was thinking about that but that would not only cost a lot of money but not really save the problem with piracy. And it would also expose my identity, which is also not a good idea in this area of work. So for now I will stick to Patreon. That other guy was moving his stuff to his own page because Patreon does not allow his content.


I hope you have a good rest, life is not just work. With the issue of piracy, it is a very complicated matter to solve. I wish you the best.


You're welcome and happy Christmas holidays.


That is sad t hear of the pirates, such wonderful wok should be rewarded. I've not even finished the episode yet ... I gotta watch in short bursts and the pussy kissing section keeps getting replayed,


I'm sorry to hear about the piracy issue. It's definitely a tricky issue to solve and I hope people who find them are right minded in reporting it to you. I wish you the very best for your Christmas break and I'm so hyped that you hit the goal for fulltime 3dx production! Here's to an awesome new year :D


I find it quite horrid to imagine that episode 4 is such a low score in terms of sales. I mean, no offence (offense?) but the Sensual Adventures have just been getting better and better (while some aspects of earlier episodes are still quite mega-magnificient and by no means eclipsed by the latest super effort!) , and so I myself can not fathom why sales would be so poor. Granted, a fan like myself has only begun paying for your content/clips/films/games over the past few months (roughly around episode 3 came out) which may explain why there was an "up" in sales in the past couple of months as opposed to episode 4's release... And I haven't made my comments on that absolutely stunning piece of true 3D artwork... But as you mentioned, perhaps the saddest thing in this case is indeed piracy. People who somehow grab a hold on the pay-for-play material and then redistribute it widely across the web. But wait... I also know of some people who are very weary about putting their credit card info down to purchase online "porn" content, which may also explain why there was a deffinite hype prior to the release of episode 4, but sales per se weren't that impressive. Believe you me, I try to make sure to spread the word around to everyone who will listen to my porn rantings online to support you via this PAtreon, or buy th stuff via Affect3D. Because I myself have seen some of the pirated copies being re-distributed around, and the image quality (to minimize my explanation of the failure to capture the proper definition of the 3D art and animations) is very lacking compared to the original stuff sold by you...


Yes that's also quite a shock to me. I do understand that people don´t want to use their credit card for porn, but they could also use crypto-currency. And yeah, having my work spread all over the internet for free is just more convenient to watch. Thanks for spreading the word to hopefully future supporters! :)


episode 4 is great. Pirates are a global problem. each enter the code to run. more worries for me, but if that would help your accounting, there is probably no other way


I am really sad this is happening to you. You are by far the best creator out there for this kind of stuff. You provide great quality in amazing time frames. I'm blown away by you being able to release Ep3 and 4 in a single year. I am glad you are now able to work full time on 3DX and don't have to burn yourself out. I hope things pick up for you asap. Regarding Ep 4 did you spend anything extra for it? I mean besides your time did you spend money on new stuff? I presume you had some help for Jasmine and maybe the background? Perhaps for the next episodes you could go back to some old settings and use the existing girls to recoup some of you losses. I don't think anyone will complain if the girls visit the museum once more or go back to the apartment to figure what to do with the cock ring they got. Again really sad this is happening. Hopefully your patreon numbers will go up and sales of future titles will only be something 'extra'. Keep up the great work and enjoy your holidays as much as possible.


Thanks, yes I am also glad that I can focus on 3DX only next year. Without burning out. And also yes, I did outsource things like the sets and outfits. I made the initial concept and then had help. I also had to spend money on voice overs, music, soundFX, trailers, and so on. It´s a long list of things that cost money. But since I don´t have to split myself between several projects from next year on, I can save money by doing more things myself again. Having sales only as "extra", and Patreon as my main income source would be great. Fingers crossed for next year :)


Is there any way you could make episode 5 an online only version, maybe with a d/l a couple of months later (but potentially not stated at the release date)?


Well I don´t know how happy you guys would be with that... Especially the ones not having a PC.