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the animations I am exclusively creating for you would actually be quite a good way to advertise on platforms like Pornhub.

Would it be ok for you if I release them after a couple of month and in lower resolution on platforms like that?

I think it could help attracting more people.

Please let me know, thanks!




I think there's no need for the vote at this point... lol

Bob Fink

Go for it, it's a way to assist you in getting more Patreons.


While I absolutely want you to do what is best for you, I think it speaks volumes about your character that you were willing to ask your existing patrons how they felt about it first. Good on you!

Draven Shadow

The more people know of your awesome work and skill the better imo. I think it would be a great way to build things up and really want it to work out well for you. :-)


Well, I think you have your answer. :P


Release public in low resolution with censor stamp on boobs/vag to make them more irritabie. lol


Im happy for as many people to be introduced to brittanys big beautiful cock. Treat them to her.


This is a good way of doing some self-publicity, since it will lead to other people to just grow curious on what you do. Drawing some new potential fans is always good!


I think so too, but I wanted to ask you guys first to see if you are fine with it. So far the vast majority is for it which is great :)


Sounds like a great way for people to check out your skills and talent. Any way for people to see how great you are :)