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Hey everyone,

I hope you had a great week :)

Weekly Update:

I am working hard on the Pre-Viz for Episode 3 and I am around half-way through. This is really just a super-rough version for me to define the movie/cuts/angles and so on which makes it easier to get a consistent look & feel for the final version. I will do that for all future movie productions because it speeds up the process in the long run and I have a clearer picture of it. And I like to have things organised and clear :)

I have a friend helping me with the outfit of Trinity. Another 3D artist was supposed to deliver Brittany's final outfit today, but it takes longer. I will also get some help from another friend with the Episode 3 environment. 

And I have yet another 3D artist that is re-doing Brittany's and Trinity's hair so it looks better. But that will take at least 1 month. Of course I will keep you posted once I get updates from those people and show you the progress.

As you can see, I am trying to get more help so I can focus on animations. I am working (again) too much and it just makes more sense to distribute the work. And those friends are really a great help and very good at what they are doing :) 

Of course I am paying them but I still want to have help on things even though the number of Patrons is getting lower. But I think that will change in the future with our new way of creating more patron exclusive content on a regular basis. I am positive that, once the word is spread, more and more people will come and support me/us :)

And I want to say a big big THANK YOU again to everyone supporting me :) 

New content decision:

The last poll (thanks a lot for your input!) was pretty clear in terms of what you would like to have for the future. So I am going for the:

  • Additional Pictures/Animations that are not part of the next movie so we don´t spoil anything!
  • Rendering 3D/VR Versions as well!

Thanks a lot again for your input on that :) This means that the full productions will take a bit longer, but I therefore can show you more stuff on a regular basis and you can help me a great deal with ideas for poses/animations you would like to see.

Which brings me to the first pose! Please send me your ideas for the first additional pose/animation (links of pictures, videos (with timecode), or just descriptions).

I will then collect the 5 I like best and we make a poll next week where you can then decide which one I should animate. 

I have a very good feeling about that new system. I will have a lot more engagement from you guys, you can bring in more of your ideas and I can still create the full productions without stressing myself. I really think this will work great!

So, send me your ideas please and let's see what we get :)


PS: In the meantime I will render the first angle of the 69 Position for you for next week's update. 




@everyone: you can of course also let me know if you want stuff animated from past reward posters! or 3D/VR versions from past animations!


Yay, VR! Pimax 5k+ is in the mail - I'll have to do some "testing" for you. 😄 I haven't dug very deep into your archive - ever done any "mutual penetration" poses? There are <a href="https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&amp;s=list&amp;tags=mutual_penetration" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">a few pages of it on Rule34.</a> I'm particularly partial to the piledriverish possibilities: <a href="https://imgur.com/a/XzlYQ49" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/a/XzlYQ49</a> 😍


Thanks for "testing" :) That piledriver pose looks very hot indeed! Will add it to my list!


Ooh loving that you are acting on the feedback so soon. I will try and come up with some poses over the weekend.

Jason Henry

Thanks for the update. When is episode 3 likely to be ready for release? :)


I'd like more VR that works with my Oculus. The VR Patron number goal is one of the main reasons I continue to pledge. I realize that VR still isn't something that has blown up but it'd be nice to have more content for medium.


I'd love to see a position that makes their balls collide during sex, and if not that I'd love to see some good frottage ;D


Here What I think Brittany and Triffany went to Cairo as they said in EP2. But Brittany can't deal with the heat so when they reach the museum or sacred place. She rest on couch, stone ot altar while Triffany looked for the map. Triffany could not find it no matter what but her eyes stop to one place Brittany's cleavage. (Over the shoulder shot) Because of the heat and sweated body of her making Triffany hard. She walked slowly without noise put her pant/skirt down slipping dick off the panty to the face. Brittany wake up subwaking because of being tired, she let her do what she want. Trifffany insert her dick deeply to the throat bringing the bulge.(<a href="https://gifs.iloopit.net/resources/29aefa8b-a47f-4fd0-b7ab-c93a7cac8f1b/converted.gif)" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://gifs.iloopit.net/resources/29aefa8b-a47f-4fd0-b7ab-c93a7cac8f1b/converted.gif)</a> Long dick is suffocating her a little and she deal with it until climax.(With mouthful of cum <a href="https://images.sex.com/images/pinporn/2017/07/08/300/18021897.gif)" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://images.sex.com/images/pinporn/2017/07/08/300/18021897.gif)</a> After first shot, Triffany saw something interesting, something swelling under the red skirt. She crawl over Brittany and grab some watery clothed treasure.(69 screen on the table) Meanwhile dripping cum dick drooping to mouth and face. Instead Brittany going to dick, she reach it to the pussy while her face rubbing the balls and dick.(<a href="http://66.media.tumblr.com/c65c392658284a87326134f162189582/tumblr_mwijhlXa8M1t0c5aso6_250.gif)" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://66.media.tumblr.com/c65c392658284a87326134f162189582/tumblr_mwijhlXa8M1t0c5aso6_250.gif)</a> Then reverse cowgirl and doggy with jerking.


After massive and multiple cum time, they found map be beneath them by trace of their cum on the surface. Like visible by fill the water type, but in this map it have to be cum.:D (<a href="https://us.123rf.com/450wm/dmitriyrazinkov/dmitriyrazinkov1707/dmitriyrazinkov170700636/82359486-seamless-pattern-topographic-map-background-with-space-for-copy-seamless-texture-line-topography-map.jpg?ver=6)" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://us.123rf.com/450wm/dmitriyrazinkov/dmitriyrazinkov1707/dmitriyrazinkov170700636/82359486-seamless-pattern-topographic-map-background-with-space-for-copy-seamless-texture-line-topography-map.jpg?ver=6)</a>


I would love to see positions where one girl is been fucked and the other girls jerks off at the same time, either missionary , or standing doggy position would be lovely.


Welcome! Well it´s a bit hard to say now with the new system in place. But I am aiming for May.


You should be able to use all the 3D movies I created on your Oculus. Please correct me if I am wrong! And I will create more 3D movies from now on.


I don´t want to spoil anything but something similar will be in EP3 ;) But thanks a lot for the input!


So far great feedback everyone! I think I really hit a nerve with the new system :)

John Douglas

Gd bit of foreplay and kissing each ur and dirty talking wood be very hot hope uses can add that there is never any in anime were two women and a guy or girl humping each ur and a bit of dirty talking and kissing