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Hey everyone,

I hope you had a great week!

This will be a super short update. The first version of the next game will be released on the 15th of December. So even a bit before Christmas ;)

This will be the initial version with 8 Poses and a couple of quests. After that we will ship updates (Customization, more locations, more poses, more characters) but I don´t have a schedule for those yet. Now it's important that we have a nice first version that is solid.

I am crazy busy creating all the animations and my coder friend doing all the coding.

As a little treat I have a reward poster for you with a pose that will also be in the game :)

Here is the link to the high-res version => LINK 

Alright, that´s already it! I am going back to work, there is a lot of stuff left!

Have a great weekend everyone :)




Seems you were quite busy

Bob Fink

Thanks for the poster and I look forward to the game release! This is going to be Epic!


Very welcome! 15th will be the first version, then we will add updates, implement feedback, polish things. So it's going to be a more long-term project :)