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Hey everyone!

one week has passed since the release of Sensual Adventures Episode 2 and I am a lot more relaxed :) 

The earlier release was a bit stressful ;) The feedback so far was again amazing and I am glad my style is appealing to so many people! 

Unfortunately piracy is again an issue, even earlier than for EP1. If you find any pirate link please send me a private message and I will try to have it taken down asap!

I will take a break next week (but will still send out codes!) and not work on anything. I will actually spend the whole week with friends exercising a lot and not doing anything on my computer. I really need that and I am very much looking forward to it :)

So what am I up to next`?

As you can surely remember I started already with the next game. I want to focus on that until Christmas so we have something nice for the holiday season ;) Supported platforms will be Android & WebGL again (maybe PC also at a later point). 

Here are some screenshots from earlier this year to remind you: 

The first version of the game will play in Brittanys apartment where also EP1 & EP2 are happening.  I want to definitely animate those 2 poses next:

So we will have those animated for the game for sure and if you want I can also make Patreon only movies (20-30sec) out of it. I am pretty sure you will like that ;)

I am also currently collecting ideas for poses, so if you have some nice ideas I will all put it in my notes and we then decide together on additional ones in polls. So please send me your ideas (best in combination with a link to a picture!).

I also want to add poses from EP1 & EP2 in the game. Because I think we have really nice poses there and it would be a shame to not use at least some of them. This is still a lot of work because I need to not only use the existing ones but also create new animations for each pose because we will have anal and pussy penetration (you can choose then in the game what you prefer) and cumming animations. 

Like for BHA (Brittany Home Alone) I want to have a base version that can be played and then gradually add content to the game. That way we can make sure to have a nice base game by Christmas and you don´t need to wait too long. And of course you will get access to test versions before that. And I will keep you updated with poses and in general about the development process. 

I also plan to improve the visual quality as much as possible on both mobile and WebGL. If we really make a PC version I have even more ambitious plans about graphics quality. In theory Unity 2018.3 (which should be released later this year) will have some really nice features for PC and I hope to get to a level of quality that is close to pre-rendered movies. But that is still something the Unity guys have to prove if they can really deliver that with their engine and of course I need to find time to do that. Fingers crossed ;)

After the base game is done I want to focus on Episode 3 starting probably in January/February. 

This time I want to focus on one thing at a time and not develop the game and Episode 3 at the same time. This would really burn me out and that´s not good for any of us. Focusing on one thing will not only be more fun and less stress but it will also give me the possibility to improve the quality because I am not torn between 2 things. 

So next week there will not be a Friday update but the week after again. Probably with a first new animation for the game for you to see ;)

VR: I had a couple of people asking me for a VR version for Episode 2. I can not make the whole movie an VR experience because that would mean redoing all camera work and rendering in around 8k which I can´t handle. But I will render some of the poses for VR (Trinity cumshot?) while I am working on the game. I think that you will like that, right? :) 

So there is a lot of Patreon exclusive stuff coming for you the next weeks&months and I am very excited continuing to work on the game after my 1 week break!

Please let me know your thoughts about the future plans, thanks! 

I hope you will have a nice weekend and thank you all for your awesome support! 

I could not do it without my amazing Patrons! 

All the very best,




First, thank you for keeping us up to date with your plans for the future. Really solid lineup in the coming months! As for poses, there are several in this video I really like, specifically those with the grinding from 3:20 to 3:40... <a href="https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph58925d2acd9ca&amp;pkey=64112182" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph58925d2acd9ca&amp;pkey=64112182</a>

Bob Fink

It looks like we have some very awesome times ahead and I for one can't wait!


I'm just finding this process really cumbersome. I mean, I message and wait and message and wait and all I've really seen is stuff that's already on Pornhub. Perhaps I am missing something. I will hang in for a bit, but this is not working for me at the moment.


Hey, you only have to write me once a month and i respond within 1 day. Add if you saw my stuff on pornhub it was pirated. Also there is a lot of custom Patreon stuff already available without you having to wait.