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Hey everyone,

I hope you had a great week :) 

One month has passed and it's time to reflect a bit and see how the movie did. 

The movie has been pirated already from the 3rd day after the release... Sales are not as good as I was hoping (because of piracy) despite the great feedback I have been receiving. If I calculated the time I invested (if I had to pay myself a normal salary to pay the bills) add the costs for the help I got (Voice Overs, Music, Sounds, Trailer, etc. etc.) I did not even make a third of those costs. And the first month is always the strongest because later on people just get the pirated version.

So now what? 

Honestly I don´t want to stop anything! Piracy is a big problem, they are hurting small creators most and really don´t give a shit. I even had several occurrences where images & videos from SA-EP1 was used to advertise for completely other webpages. People just cut my logo and placed their "watermark" on top of mine. Which is really upsetting but tha´ts how it is. 


Fuck them! I just want to say again THANK YOU for your ongoing support! Without you I could not have done it at all and won´t be able to do it in the future! The feedback is great and I also really like the result :) You guys rock and I can always count on you. This is really helping me stay focused and motivated despite all the piracy shit going on! So thank you very very much :) 

From a financial point of view your support in combination with the sales will hopefully cover the costs over the next couple of month for the production of EP1. And then we will have EP2 end of September/Beginning of October also which will add income, then a first version of the game will also be release this year and so on and so forth. So all in all I am positive everything will be fine on the long run :) I am more the "the glas is half full" rather than the "the glas is half empty" kind of guy and just want to continue doing what I love and delivering to you. 

I am taking it a bit slower already, get more sleep and don´t risk my health and family peace. And the cool thing is: my productivity did not decrease :) I have more energy and everything goes smooth right now :)

Long story short: We don´t give up, we keep on! (imagine that as someone shouting it on a battlefield ;) 

So, now about some other stuff:

  • The decision for Anal or Pussy creampie is.... Pussy creampie! :)
  • I am already animating shots of EP2. And in the header of this post is the very first frame of EP2 :) As you can see, both are flacid and they need to do something in order to help that...
  • We are implementing the walkcycle and a freaking amazing camera system to the game. I will show you more in next week's Friday update
  • I made a little ingame animation how I imagine women picking up stuff from the ground ;) You know, we will have pick up from low, mid, high areas and need animations for those. My favorite one is the one picking up low ;)

So for next week I will show you a video from Brittany walking around in the Appartement with the nice camera system. I will also explain a bit more in-depth why the walk system we have is very sophisticated but just works well :) And I will also show you some more WIP renderings/playblasts from EP2.

That´s it from me! Have a great weekend and thanks again for your support!

All the very best,



Steve Osborne

Man, sorry to hear about the pirating issues. It does unfortunately seem to be something content creators have to deal with in this day and age. I’m wondering if you could put some kind of tagging into frames that are different between the version of the video you release to your Patreon supporters, and the one that’s up for sale on affect3D site. t least you might be able to track how much of the pirating is coming from what source. Also I wonder if it ‘s possible to stream the video on the affect3D site, instead of making it available as a download. That could also help cut down on people sharing the file. I don’t know if affect3D offers a streaming service for content creators though.

Enigmatic Entity

Thanks for the update, my friend! It really is disheartening to hear about the rampant piracy, but what can you do to stop that? Could you try to get some sort of copyright on your work to protect it from being pirated? I don't know how difficult something like that would be, but it's worth looking into at least. I really admire your positivity through all of this, and you are definitely right in that you'll always have people to support you! Your talent speaks for itself, so just keep on truckin'!


Unfortunately it´s not really possible to avoid piracy. Because people just need to make a screen-capture (even if it´s only available via streaming) and that´s it. And this is really easy to do. I just really have to live with piracy. But the great thing about you guys and Patreon is that you are really "catching" me with your support. I really mean it when I say I could not do it without you. I am so happy I started a Patreon page and that I get so much positive encouragement. Financially and with kind words :)


Thanks :) I own the copyright as soon as I create stuff. That´s international law. But people just don´t give a shit and some webpages are in countries where you could not even sue them. The only thing I can do is act fast and have the videos taken down as soon as possible by the hosting platforms. Which works okish. Ah, another cool thing about you guys is that you send me links that you find. Thanks for that also by the way!!! I like to be positive. Life is to short to waste it with anger and hate. I am freaking out sometimes and let off steam, and then everything is fine again :) But in general I waste very little time with freaking out ;)

Metal Fox

Ya, piracy is pretty difficult to avoid L-L But among these things, I've been developing ways to combat it. I'll make sure to let you know on Discord ^-^ You've been doing a great job, keep up the good work!


the upside of piracy is two fold though. each time someone releases your content on the internet, some percentage of the people who watch will find your patreon and start pledging... and also, at least you know your content is good enough to be worth pirating. i see a lot of stuff on affect3d that never gets released out in the wild simply because it wasnt worth anyone's time. As far as piracy prevention goes, there is another thing you might want to try, which is to put out your own pirate links (the promo or something) but dont name it promo so that people have to sort through a ton of your promo videos before they find the one they want.


another thing you could try doing (and i dont know how this would work) is to put a different tag into everyone's movie metadata or something so that you can find who is doing the leaking and drop them from patreon (but i guess that probably doesnt work if they got it on affect3d)

elle marr

the problem of piracy is one of the biggest reasons i haven't gone into 3dx. online communities all over are hugely enthusiastic, yet terribly cheap. i admire you for sticking to it.

Bob Fink

Really sucks that they have already pirated your movie, I've been keeping my eye out so that I could let you know and possibly get it taken down. I am happy to hear you're not letting it get you down. The new shot and the game animation look so awesome I am really looking forward to the game! ;-)


Yes that is true, it is also exposure. But the percentage of people that really buy it or become patrons is very little. I assume 0.01% maximum. I do upload trailers (there will be more done soon) on pornhub & co. But it won´t be a lot because that is quite a lot of work. Currently a friend from Affect3D is creating 4 new trailers (2 for BHA, 2 for SA-EP1) which should also help a bit. Fingers crossed :)


I don´t really know how to do that. And the downsides are: more work for me and you only need to convert the video once (or upload it on a video platform which also converts videos) and the tags are gone.


Yeah it´s really a shame... But I am so glad to have you guys because that's why I can continue creating :)


Thanks! I am definitely not letting it go down. I want to continue, polish my workflow and just keep delivering high quality content. Maybe in 10 years we have tools to fight pirated videos. But for now I am just happy to have your support so I can keep going!


I just got a really really cool suggestions from Mel. He said that it would be good to add my Logo like "product placement" everywhere in the movie. Not super "in your face" but like a picture on the wall in the background, small pictureframe on the table. Maybe a can (like energy drink) on the couch-table and so on. That way people can´ still overlay my "copyright 2018 puppetmaster" but they can't get rid of the logos in the background. I totally love that idea! That will make it at least a lot easier for me to convince platforms to take the videos down. I will do that already for EP2. And you guys can then guess how many logos are hidden in the scenes :) Fun for everyone :) I am open for suggestions of course!


is there any possibility of getting advertisement/product placement deals at this point? i dont know how that would work, but it would be pretty good for you because you would make money off the ppl torrenting it as well. you may also want to ask some other creators on patreon how they do it. one of the guys who also does 3dx porn is animopron. he releases all of his content for free and has almost 6k patreons. your content is just as high quality as his, so you should probably eventually get to the same point.


That's also a really good idea! Honestly it never came to my mind. But you are right. Once I reach a certain level of exposure that might be even interesting for people. I will ask around at Affect3D if they have contacts. If you by chance know anyone please let me also know ;)


She cums inside her pussy and when it spills out on the floor it spells out 'puppet master'


A shame about not making as much as you had wanted to, perhaps you were over generous by giving it away for free to people who had supported you for the required length of time. I do not mind paying extra for some rare big project movies when you already give lots of sexy little clips, pictures and w.i.p.


This is really not a problem I am having with people here. Everybody here is really supportive and nice :) And I am glad you are up for paying extra :) I just think people that have been supporting me for so long should also get it. No the real problem are people that don't give a shit. All my patrons are caring for my work and that I am in a situation where I can create more content. Pirates don't think like that "sustainable"...

Jonny Seed

At the least, we're still with you PM. Once there's enough time and snowballing, you'll be making money. Probably not as much as you deserve, but, more than now? Anyway, I hope it turns quickly, and you can get what you deserve soon.


And I love you for that! Really, this community we built here is just awesome and I really mean it when I say: I couldn't do it without you. I am just happy I have you all and the support you give. That´s why I will just continue and never give up :)