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the Brittany Home Alone Cardboard VR version it´ s finally live!

You can also directly download it here from my Dropbox:
Brittany-Home-Alone - Cardboard VR APK File 

Please keep in mind that this is for Android Cardboard only!

How to use the promo codes is explained here.

Alright, that's it for now! I will start sending the codes now and then enjoy the rest of the weekend :)

Thanks for your ongoing support everyone! 





Nice work!


@everyone: I am done sending out the codes. If I forgot any of you please write me a message!


My code worked to get the new VR version at the store, but the download link doesn't work...


It gives an error within the downloadable products page: Requested link does not exist.


I noticed the details at the affedt3d store said "Cardboard (or similar) VR devices for android". Would that include Samsung Gear VR?


´Please contact the Affect3d support directly. It does work for me and so far nobody reported that issue. But you can just grab the APK from the Dropbox link I wrote above. It´s the same file and the authentication will work with Affect3d.


Unfortunately it does not work with the Gear VR because they have a closed system. As soon as you plug in your phone to the GearVR headset you are locked in their store/system. What I mean by similar devices is all kinds of Headsets where you can put in any Android Phone. There are a lot on the market and they should all work fine :)


Has anyone a daydream and can tell us how/if it works on that as well?

Dor Husovd

Well shit. Guess I’m buying an android phone and vr headset! Anyone have any suggestions on a cheap phone that can still run this smoothly?


It's pretty performance hungry. So a cheap phone won´t do the job. Honestly: if I was you I would wait for the Oculus version that I hope to be able to create later this year (autumn or so). What phone do you have right now? I might be able to extract 360 videos from the game. So it would be a plain video and you can watch it on an iPhone instead of playing the game. You can't do a lot anyway because it´s in "auto-mode".

Dor Husovd

If you release this on Oculus and include some POV modes I will probably die of happiness and fulfillment and never have to look at other smut ever again! A man can dream.


:D I really want to. It's really just a question of budget and time. But I promise to do it definitely when I reach my 6k goal!


I guess you're done with the VR version now, but here's some feedback anyway for any other VR releases: having the buttons in the same position in the room, regardless of camera position and heading, was quite annoying for some scenes because it meant having to rotate my head to the controls, then rotate back to the action. It would have been nicer to put the controls in line with the camera direction to avoid this owl neck movement, lol. One of the scenes, spit roast, the dildo didn't line up with the mouth at all, like it's way off and just flops around outside of the mouth. Oh yeah, when exiting a scene, it would be nice to do back to the scene selection menu rather than the main menu. Hope that helps, it's a really nice VR app otherwise!


thank you very much for your feedback, very much appreciated! we tried having the buttons in the direction that you look at when you first start a scene. but because of some weird unity/google cardboard sdk, that caused the camera to be tilted. but I totally agree that it would have been a lot better that way. I hope for Oculus/Vive that´s easier and more stable. Because we have the functionality to be able to place those buttons anywhere in the scene. That spit-roast thing is really weird. It never happened to any of our devices and you and only one more person reported that bug. Nobody else. I am very sorry for that... We can't reproduce it unfortunately... Good point about the scene selection rather than main menu. That is a lot better flow wise. I will note down those points and consider them for the future! Thanks again! :)


I have Daydream, and when it starts, it shows a message saying the app is not compatible with Daydream. But then if you hit Cancel, it usually stays open anyway. The frame rate when looking around is super low though. It's basically playable, but of course no controller support, and it doesn't appear in the Daydream launcher. I'd love to see a real Daydream version!


This is great! Please do more VR! I was hoping it would work better with Daydream, but this was what caused me to become a patron.


I will definitely do more VR. But most likely for the Oculus Rift at the end of the year. I need to save money for 2 sets. One for me and one for my coder friend. I think it´s just more fun with a proper PC and an Oculus build compared to the Cardboard version. But I will definitely create more VR stuff :)


I just got the $15 patron status, can I have the promo code?


Hey, thanks for your pledge. You will get the code for the main game next month and then the one for the DLC+VR the month after. I wrote that at the very top of the main page: "Since the movie is available from the start to everyone who pledges 15$ I will put you on a list for the game promo codes. You will get the code for the main game in your 2nd month of your pledge and the codes for the DLC+VR in the 3rd month. If you want to have everything immediately please consider the "Hit & Run" reward tier." But you can also have the VR code next month instead of the regular game one. Just let me know.


can I have the promo code?


Hi, please read the conditions for the promo codes. It's at the very top of the front page: "Since the movie is available from the start to everyone who pledges 15$ I will put you on a list for the game promo codes. You will get the code for the main game in your 2nd month of your pledge and the codes for the DLC+VR in the 3rd month. If you want to have everything immediately please consider the "Hit & Run" reward tier."


Hey there, are codes still available for the VR version. I downloaded it but it looks like it's the demo version


Yes it's in demo mode until you buy it out get a code from me. I'll send you one when you increase your pledge to 15$.


Great thanks!!! @puppetmaster. I changed to the $15 tier. Can I get the code for Brittany Home Alone VR ? Thanks puppet master