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Hey everyone,

I am really excited to share the first demo version with you guys! 

Brittany Home Alone - VR-Demo v01 

We tried it with regular Google Cardboard and 3rd party headsets and it works all fine. Keep in mind this is for Android only!

For performance reasons the room is disabled by default, but if your phone can handle it you can enable the room in the settings.

I am personally really happy with the outcome. I don´t have that much experience with VR yet but for me I am really there with Brittany. And when she cums, really close to the camera, it's very impressive :)

Please let me know your thoughts and based on your feedback we will refine the demo version which will then be also available to the public. We need to get more exposure. 

Hope you love it as much as I do! 


PS: We are aware of the issue with the logo at the beginning. Seems to be a Unity bug... For now we have to live with it. Just that you know ;)




Wow! I will test it tonight at home!


The demo worked for me just fine. I have a couple of reqursts if they are plausible. Would it be possible to get first person camera angles to take advantage of the vr? And idk if it was my program as i used the look feature to select camera angles i had to look further to thebside and up for each angle. Would it be possible to set a "home" point for the vr, or is this a built in feature for some vr programs for the phones?


Glad it worked fine and thanks for your feedback! First person as in: Brittany's point of view? The looking a bit further up and more to the side I don´t have so I can't reproduce that I am afraid. I am not quite sure what you mean with "home" point. Do you maybe have an example of a game that does that so I can have a look?


Just got done "testing" the demo as well. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) The sound and music are great as usual, so well done there. My only complaints are that the framerate really tanked when I turned the "AO" and "Room" features on. I understand these are naturally intensive features, I just wanted to say that any optimization would be nice. Also cardboard apps have a tendency to "drift" to one side. Maybe it's just my phone (S7), but I ended up moving to my computer chair so that I could spin around and constantly face the "drifting" bed in front of me. The VR option in the Pornhub app has a pretty cool feature where you can tap the screen, a menu for recentering the screen pops up, and you can set your view anywhere you'd like. Other than that I'd say it's working pretty well, the cumming at the end was especially great!


Thanks for testing and your feedback :) The scene is already highly optimized and more is not possible I am afraid. Effects (AO, etc.), Shaders, textures, poly-count are all already set for mobile. Because of performance reasons I chose to have the room disabled by default. I get around 25 frames with everything enabled on my phone which is great for non-VR. But for VR the more the better. So without the room it´s nice, with the room it's ok for me if I don´t look around too much. The drifting however is really weird... I never experienced that in any Cardboard app. Anyone else having this issue? About the re-centering: I know that feature from Pornhub and also really like it. The thing is that Pornhub has no buttons in 3D space to look at. So they can use the whole screen as one button that does only one thing. I don´t know if we can do that also, but we will definitely look into it! I'd also really like to have that feature... Thanks again for "testing" ;)


I think I have figured out the drift that Biggie and myself reported earlier. When switching from camera 1 to camera 2 and back to camera 1, everything is fine. However when switching to camera 3, from either camera 1 or camera 2, because it is an overhead view it creates the need to look down in order to see the scene play out. Also because it is positioned at britany's right foot, it means I have to look right as well as look down in order to see the action. If i then change to camera 1 or camera 2, it starts the camera from this new angle, and If i switch back to 3, i now have to look further right. Meaning that i could end up swiveling around in my chair as i change camera angles. My suggestion would be to have the camera "point" at britany's face when changing to 3, to see if this remedies the situation.


that is really interesting... what I can also do is move the buttons in 3d space so you don´t have to look aroud so much. let´s say they are in the same place for cam 1&2. but for cam 3 they are placed in a way so you don´t have to look around so much. that should ideally also solve the problem.


any chance you could do an oculus/vive version?


When I have the budget, yes. I would also like to see how it works with really high frame rate, headtracking etc. But at the moment I simply can´t afford it. I guess we will do that when we reach all goals.