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Hey everyone,

we hope you had a great week! 🥰

Let's start today with the Poll results for Charity's hair colour. That one is pretty clear 😊

We added physics to the boat so it´s not rigid:

We have some nice floating palm-leafs. That´s just for us to get an idea of the bouncy system (similar to the boat). Later we might have quests where you need to collect garbage from the Ocan. Or floating Targets for practice Shooting 😎

We have a first indoor update of the Townhall (still in blocking stage as you can see from the white temp objects)

We also have a first implementation of Quest Tracking. Because we want to have Quests and Progress orderly and not just a mess with guessing! I like things clean 😊

Other than that:

  • Quests for the Demo have been written down and are currently being implemented. Refining & Polishing will happen once they are all in the Game and we can test them.

  • The Demo, once it´s final, should have a gameplay time (just for quests, roaming around, exploring etc, is not included) of around 30 Minutes.

  • We will get a lot of new hairstyles in August/September!

  • We will have all Girls prepared to become Futa temporarily (an ancient Artefact can do that... 😉)

  • Dynamic Foliage is in the works again! I really want plants to react to the Characters

  • I am working on getting the old Outfits from PoseViewer and the new Adventure Outfit in the game. Probably also in August.

Alright, that's it for this week! We hope you have a wonderful weekend ahead!

All the very best,



Robert D.

You’ve gone from sex game to open world rpg with sex elements lol. Love it!


Yes! It’s just more fun. And you can do so much cool story telling with quests. And having to earn trust before you fuck is a great motivation and rewarding 🥰


Excellent work PM and team. It's really shaping up into something grand. The water effects look phenominal. I love you you got the boat moving with the water. Nice physics! Should be a great game! Looking forward to checking out the next demo release! 😄