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Hey everyone!

We hope you had a nice week 😊

Today is a rather short update.

We finished the tools for the Terrain. I had quite a lot of change/feature requests so it took a bit. But they are really nice now and will help a great deal speeding up the procedural workflow!

And with that, I also finished the first Layout of the Village 🥳All small trails etc. are not yet done. Just the main Roads. From that Layout, we will start gameplay testing and then refining and polishing.

And we also already have our first Interior! Our Environment Artist did a great job on that, I am super happy 😊

Other than that we are working a lot on many other things. Like adding back swimming, developing AI for NPCs, Vegetation, and so on. A ton of things 😉

Jasmine's interview is also already being developed!

Alright, that´s already it for this week!

Have a great weekend!

All the very best,
