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Hey everyone!

We hope you had a great week 😊

Interview Trinity:

Today, we can finally present to you Trinity's Interview 🥳

We have 2 Versions, SFW and NSFW (Nude Upper Body)

LINK => Interview Trinity Full Video

Please don´t mind the totally wrong gun handling, we are aware of that. Trinity just does not care 😋

And now that Trinity's Interview is done, I made a poll for you to vote who should be interviewed next:

LINK => Poll for next Interview

Treasure Island:

We are still fixing bugs preventing us from creating a new build, but we are almost done. So ideally, next week we can give you another build with the updated Sex-System + freaking amazing Camera & Props features!

Other than that we have been busy creating all kinds of different Buildings & Shops for the Village:

Houses & Townhall


 Something special 😉


Alright, that´s it for this week!

We hope you enjoy the Interview! 🥰😊

Have a great weekend!



Interview Trinity SFW

Get the full version (including Nude) on my Patreon: www.patreon.com/puppetmaster



كشرى and محشي are some of my favorite foods! Glad to see them referenced here!!


Trinity 🥰