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I just got a notification from A3D that the downloads should work now. But it seems not 100%.

So please test if it works on your end. If it does not, please write an e-mail (from your A3D registered e-mail) to service@affect3d.com and they will manually unlock the links.

Sorry for the inconvenience and let's hope it all works!




The “no music” version worked for me. The music version is still downloading part 1 instead.


mine's still knackered, I have an ongoing dialogue with Affect 3d atm & hopefully will hear soon, as my current problem is, with music, downloads pt1, without, empty file, hopefully will all be resolved soon

Robert D.

Can’t wait to check it out. Great timing cause it’s my bday.

Paul Guise

Not working for me at the moment. The mobile versions work, but not the full versions. I'll try again in a while.


403 error @ 1855 UTC

Daniel Hammersley

affect3D only showing Mobile versions of 9.2 available presently

Lee Donnelly

How do we claim our free download if we qualify based on our tier?


You can always ask us directly for a code! Anyways, you can find your code in DMs! - Rydia