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Hello everyone!

I wanted to start with saying thank you to everyone who's supporting me and leave a positive feedback. It really means a lot to me and motivate me to create characters.   

But today I want to talk about something else. A lot of my works been stolen and distributed without my permission. It started a long time ago and I've tried to fight with it, but looks like I'm powerless before the power of the internet. I understand that this is a common thing and happen almost to everyone, but as creator who's sit over the character's creations for several days I'm deeply sad. And this is why I want to make some changes, maybe it will help, maybe it won't. But at least I'd try. (。T ω T。)  

I thought about it for couple of months and decided to make a poll.   

Would you all be fine with getting cards directly into your messages? I'll still make posts with pictures and all stuff.  I won't change anything if most of you are against it.  No changes will be applied this month.

I'll leave a poll opened for a week or two. And then make final decision.  Thank you all for your attention!  

P.S. Requests are opened again, btw. (´꒳`)♡


KR Prime Rouge

how bad that you're suffering that, i think is a good idea to begin to send the chara card via private message