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We're still hard at work on the sequel to The Exile of Aphrodisia (currently named Return to Aphrodisia, though name is subject to change). Since it's been a couple months since the last time we showed off progress, here's some of the more recent aspects we've been tackling.

First up, we've spent some time working on sprites that can be customized using Unity's shadergraph abilities, swapping out various colors to add some uniqueness to the player character, your close companions, and followers. Hair, skin, and eye colors will be able to carried across multiple transformations.

Second, we are also working on the combat system which will face off your team against the enemy team on a hexagon-based battle map. Each character's transformation will have an influence in battle. For example, fairy combatants will have a small health pool, but they will be able to cross over other soldiers for greater battlefield maneuverability, and their small size makes them harder to hit! Centaurs may be able to gallop and move a great distance at once in a straight line, and demons will be able to use their lust magic to charm enemy soldiers, flipping their loyalty for a turn or two--or perhaps permanently! A cyclops may move slowly, but be a heavy hitter. A harpy may shower multiple enemies in a hail of razor-sharp feathers for some area-of-effect damage. And much more!

We're now actively commission artwork for the game. (The player character models are temporary while the fairy is newly drawn by LadyCleopatra--the first of what will be a large set of  mythology-themed transformations for the player character and companions.

Stay tuned for more!




Will there be more genderbending options, especially for the PC?


There will certainly be a lot of transformations that change the player character's sex. Unlike the previous game, your form will probably change dozens of times throughout the adventure instead of being a single sequence you are locked into, and will be a mixture of voluntary and involuntary transformations.