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It's end of the month and time for another monthly poll. We'll be focusing on Transformation Tycoon products again, though next month we may change it up and focus on getting some additional Transform-o-bile missions and possibly accompany some of them with artwork and articles. Apologies for not having the next Tycoon (primarily a bugfix release with some new clients and art) out as some unexpected weekend plans have come up, but we will be focusing on that for mid-late next week.

We're also still hard at work on the Exile of Aphrodisia 2023 sequel (see https://imgur.com/pZtHLiW, https://imgur.com/pTgrSPr, https://imgur.com/mz1FRGV. We post updates more frequently on the Discord server. We've already reached out to a couple artists for work on some early NPCs--the Enchantress and the Fairy Queen--so hopefully we can release those preview artworks this month as well.


We will write up and commission art for the top 2 winning products.


The winners of last month's Tycoon product artwork poll were:

Dragon Aid (tf into anthro dragon/dragoness) with 20 votes

Rocking Raven Mouthwash (tf into anthro raven rockstar) with 17 votes


Like with the artwork voting, $7 patrons will receive an extra 2 votes, and $15 patrons will receive 7 votes. If you are in one of these tiers, lease post your vote (in addition to checking your vote here) on this post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/23570675 


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