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!! Please note in the above gifs that no art has not had any art created for the game yet and is hobbled together using old, royalty-free, and public domain assets. Little to none of what you see should still be around in time for the alpha release. !!

Hey everyone! It's been some time since we've last mentioned it here, but work on the sequel to The Exile of Aphrodisia is currently our primary focus.

The game plays much closer to a traditional role playing game than before with a much stronger focus on the player character and a small group of named companions with custom personalities, backstories, and transformations. There will also be Followers, members of the party who are more similar to party members in the first game with randomized names and a basic portrait, and these are the ones who will likely meet with darker/permanent transformations while the player and the companions stick around. Also unlike in the previous games, they are not constrained to basic un-transformed humans, meaning they will have the ability to stick around with the party in some, possibly most, cases, including having the potential to be changed later.

The world will be more free-roaming compared to the first game. As shown in the gifs above, the party can move about at will in either the local (square tile-based map) or world (hexagon til-based map) to seek fortunes and misfortunes, rather than simply stumble upon on random on a mostly fixed trail from west to east. The party will still consume food and supplies on the world map, and followers will have to be paid for their service.

Lore-wise the game is currently set place a hundred years past the events of the first game. The exile of humanity caused a huge influx, followed by a sharp fall of, thralls kept by the demons, sparking conflict between Emperor Felatitius, the Thirteen Queens, and the powerful demon houses. As such, the demon empire is embroiled in a civil war that has split the majority of the continent of Aphrodisia into a land of chaos fought over by various warring demon factions and their allies. This creates plenty of room for small groups to hire themselves out as mercenaries (or bandits) or seek fame or wealth through adventure, or other more personal pursuits.

We haven't dived too deep into the lore aspect yet while the basic mechanics are still being worked on, so most anything may be changed at this point.

Currently the rough aim is to have a basic playable demo out by the end of summer once we've had time to implement most desired core features and have a solid chunk of content for players to experience. Hopefully this means we'll have the game uploaded to Itch in an alpha state by October. Hopefully sooner!

We have, however, commissioned some original music from musician floraliamusic which we hope to share soon. Go check out more of their work over at https://linktr.ee/floraliamusic!

Thanks for your patience, and stay tuned!



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