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This update will cost you 69.6969 pineapples, to be delivered to our Seattle headquarters via swallow.

Happy April Fool's!

For real though...

Download the update at https://bluefairymediagames.itch.io/transformation-tycoon or on Steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/1799850/Transformation_Tycoon/ !


New game features:

- Some random events now scale requirements and outcomes to employee count (all hired employees, including those off-shift) and your clinic's location tier.

- Some random events can be now be postponed.

-- Postponed events go back into the front of the event queue, allowing the player to finish up transformations and open up a transformation chamber, take out a loan for more money, and more. This should allow for more flexibility when dealing with random events.

-- Events that can be postponed can be postponed between 1-4 hours, or 8 hours. Not all events can be postponed, and events vary on how long they can be postponed for.

-- If an event is postponed, no new events will enter the event queue until that event is completed.

-- Players can now start the next day if there is only 1 event in the event queue and that event is postponed.

-- Postponed events will automatically launch once the chosen number of hours since postponement have elapsed. If the player is performing research or otherwise unavailable, the event will launch the first chance it can get.

-- When an event is postponed, the event notice display on the HUD turns yellow-tinted in color. Clicking on it will immediately relaunch that same event again.

-- Events cannot be postponed multiple times, regardless of how many hours it was postponed for, or if the event was manually launched again before the original postponement time has elapsed.

- Transform-o-biles! These are essentially transformation chambers mounted on a truck that are dispatched to far-away client sites for bulk transformations. These require employees to operate.

-- Transform-o-bile Missions are similar to client applications. Missions require an available transform-o-bile and an available employee and will last up to several days.

-- Transform-o-bile missions refresh on Sundays. The number of available missions increases based on clinic game and employees' skill in Public Relations.

-- Transform-o-bile missions have three stages: driving to, working, and driving from.

-- Transform-o-bile missions have an upfront cost to begin, paying for fuel and the operator's housing and meals.

-- Transform-o-bile missions consume large numbers of transformation crystals, but also have a high profit margin, as well as large increases in fame.

-- When a transform-o-bile returns from a mission, you will see a report detailing how many transformations were performed and at what quality. Qualities are Failure, Disappointing, Good, and Superb, and the number of each factors into final payment.

-- Some missions will also generate short news articles covering the event upon completion. These are indicated by missions with a small newspaper icon.

-- Employees must be well rounded and be at least level 3 or greater in Research and Technology, Accounting, and Public Relations to operate a transform-o-bile.

-- Employees operating a transform-o-bile do not gain XP while on a mission, but will gain a large amount of XP in all three relevant fields when the mission completes and they return to the clinic.

-- Employees operating a transform-o-bile take several days off work when returning from a mission to rest up.

-- Employees operating a transform-o-bile are always working while on a mission and are paid for their regular 9-5 work hours. This temporarily overrides their normal work schedule.

-- You do not gain employees' perks while they are on a transform-o-bile mission as they are physically out of office and busy with their own work.

-- Transform-o-biles can be upgraded to reduce travel time and work time.

-- Transform-o-bile operators' skill in Research And Technology result in better transformations, as well as take less work time.

-- Transform-o-bile operators' skill in Public Relations increases payment.

-- Added some new statistics and rank requirements using transform-o-bile-related data.


- Product customer generation has a new formula that boosts sales at lower fame and introduces a dropoff at higher fame levels. This should help reduce all products from immediately flying off the shelves lategame when clinic fame is high.

New Random/generated clients:

- petite woman into Amazonian by Crypt

- jockey into racehorse by Thriller54321 (https://www.deviantart.com/thriller54321). Requires fame level 3 with a high infamy alternate request.

- two fading reality television stars into life-sized soda bottles to film a soda commercial. Requires fame level 3.

New story clients:

- A New Man chapters 1-4, by Trashy Trishy (https://cohost.org/TrashyTrishy)

- A Love from Afar chapters 1-3, two lovers from overseas who delight in kinky submissive forms for one another.

Updated random events:

- Influencer, Influencing now only triggers after 10 ingame days and the amount demanded scales to the clinic's location tier

- Employee Appreciation event now scales to employee count

- Creative Bookkeeping money requirements / outcomes now scales with clinic location tier

- Skill Seminar cost scales to employee count. The seminar costs $500 per employee.

- Am I Being Followed? cost per parking permit is now $400 and scales with employee count

- Noise Ordinance Violation now scales to clinic tier at a cost of $1,000 per tier level.

- Historical Preservation Society now scales to clinic tier

New products:

- Happy Harpy Fruit Crisps. Transforms consumers into harpies. Product icon will be added in a future update.

- Sleepytime Plushie Toothpaste. Transforms users into plushie bears. Product icon will be added in a future update.

New artwork:

- Gaia Terra spring seasonal artwork added. By Balile

- Shipgirl artwork for Operation RP Go by LadyCleopatra

- Anime warrior catgirl artwork for Janice Payne, Corporate Spy - V

- Happy Harpy Fruit Crisps product lineart by LadyCleopatra with shading by Iridius

- Sleepytime Plushie Toothpaste product lineart by LadyCleopatra with shading by Iridius


- Obese fitness instructor now uses 1 year crystal instead of 1 permanent stabilizer as described in the client request

- slimegirl art for Janice Payne, Corporate Spy - IV should now show correctly in stage 4 instead of 5.


- A Business Partnership - III fixed to use Demasculinization crystal instead of Masculinization

- A Business "Partnership" IV now also uses a personality crystal to match the text

- Major refactoring, moving the game out into different scenes and adding a loading screen between the title and gampelay scenes. This may improve game performance.

- Added new theme tag, Limb Loss / Removal. This is meant to be used only when a transformation results in the removal of limbs that would normally have them, so a transformation into something like a Naga would not have this tag, but a limbless pillow girl might. The new story client A Love from Afar uses this tag.


The shipgirl and harpy artwork used in the promotional graphic has lineart by LadyCleopatra and coloring by Iridus, and Anthromage drew the catgirl warrior.



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