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Featuring artwork for two of the five cursed artifacts that will be including in the Exile of Aphrodisia 2023 release:

Missy Viola’s Opera Gloves:

Two hundred and twenty years ago, the vampire noblewoman Missy Viola grew tired of training her hired maids all the time and having to supervise them until they were brought up to her considerably high standards. This problem only grew worse when her granddaughter Madeline began using the young women for her experiments that often left them petrified into statues, transformed into cats and dogs, or hanging up in Madeline ’s closet--usually irreversibly. Viola asked Madeline if she could relieve her grandmother of her burden by enchanting a pair of opera gloves into training and overseeing the constant influx of maids, a feat the granddaughter accomplished… sort of. Often the gloves proved nearly as unruly and uncontrollable as the maids it was meant to refine.

By a twist of fate, the opera gloves were looted only a few short weeks after their enchanting when the nearby villages successfully rebelled from under the Viola family rule. Now long separated from its original owner, do the gloves still seek to fulfill Missy Viola’s original mission, or have they developed a purpose of their own?

Bracelet of Bovinity

The Bracelet of Bovinity was crafted long ago by a witch tired of a local band of bandits stealing her cattle. She cursed it to transform its victims into suitable replacements, then left it in the barn as a trap, knowing the sticky-fingered thieves would take it with them. It did its job--too well, perhaps! Legend says her entire eighty-member village vanished over the course of a few days, as well as an equal number of traders and visitors who came to investigate the sudden appearance of an untended herd. Centuries later, even long after its original owner has long passed on, the bracelet still thirsts for more victims to fall into an udder-laden fate. It may take some time to rebuild its full strength after being lost to history for many many years, but don’t hang on to it too long, lest it return to, or exceed, its original strength.

Artwork is by Iridius!



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