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Download at https://bluefairymediagames.itch.io/transformation-tycoon

New game features:

- Added new Employee Delegation option, "Don't process if client related to an employee". By default, this value is off, allowing employee-related random clients to now be processed by Employee delegation.

- Employee delegation now has a chance to result in a Superb transformation. The chance of this depends on the total levels of your employees in the Research and Technology role working that day, as well as by the client main outcome difficulty.

-- Note: This should make rising the Transformation Tycoon ranks much easier when using client delegations as higher ranks require some number of Superb client transformations.

-- Note: Disappointing and Failure transformation results still never happen during employee delegation.

New employees:

- New employee, Drake Tenman to Sylvia Tenman. This employee desires to be transformed into living clothes!

New Random/generated clients:

- 2 clients relating to Sylvia Tenman

- Husband and wife art students into erotic glass statue

New story clients:

- 3 clients relating to Sylvia Tenman

- Chapters 5 and 6 for Janice Payne, Corporate Spy

- Chapter 4 for Lady V

New artwork:

- Drake Tenman to Sylvia Tenman employee artwork by Balile


- Transformation chambers loaded with clients who were employee-delegated upon game save should now retain employee-delegated status when loading the game.


- Adding ability to rotate through employees on the active employee bar at the bottom of the main game page when more than 13 employees have been hired.

- Random farmhand to cowgirl now has infamy

- Applied to theme tags for employee-related clients

- Various spelling and grammar fixes provided by SoylentOrange



Keep up the good work as always and thanks for this update! I hope you're all doing great!