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New game features:

- Product Development! Products are foods, lotions, and other one-time-use items that are sold to customers for short-term, at-home transformations.

-- Product Development becomes available to clinics location tier 2 or greater.

-- Product Development requires a new employee role, Product Development & Sales. This role is not listed during employee scheduling until the location requirement is met.

-- Products must first be researched by employees in Product Development & Sales role. 

--- There are multiple levels of research; higher research allows for more quality products to be synthesized. 

--- Product quality levels are bronze, silver, gold, platinum, and diamond. Higher quality levels usually leads to higher customer satisfaction and more product sales.

--- Product research requires certain transformation types to have been researched and available to clients.

--- Product research requires some initial startup money and consumes transformation crystals. The precise amount scales with level.

- After being researched to at least bronze quality level, products can be synthesized.

-- Synthesizing products consumes transformation crystals. The quality of the product batches created is determined by the product research level as well as employee skill.

-- Synthesizing products takes multiple days. The time it takes to synthesize them can be reduced by skilled employees.

-- Once synthesized, products will be sold to customers hourly as long as at least one employee remains in the Product Development & Sales role.

-- Products can have their prices set by the player between a minimum and maximum range. Cheaper prices allow products to be sold more quickily while higher prices have a higher profit margin.

-- Unsold products expire after a base period of 14 days. This can be extended by having skilled employees.

-- Products can be discarded at will to ensure customers are purchasing higher quality products.

-- Customers who purchase a product may leave a product review with a 1 to 10 star review and sometimes a short description of their transformation experience.

-- 1 and 2 star product reviews very slightly lower clinic fame while 9 and 10 star reviews increase clinic fame.

-- The number of products that can be synthesized and kept in stock is limited based on the current clinic location. Higher tier locations allow for more space.

-- Products can be synthesized in bulk for all products that meet the player-specified critera, so long as no products of that type are already being synthesized.

-- Products can have auto-synthesis enabled, automatically synthesizing products back to certain player-specified levels. Auto synthesis is performed immediately after product sales.

- The employee context panel (the box showing employee effects that appears on the bottom-left of certain panels) now only shows one effect at a time but rotates through them automatically. Clicking on the effect text automatically rotates to the next one.

- The auto restock level of a transformation crystal on the advanced restock panel can now be typed in addition to using the -5/-1/+1/+5 buttons.


- Researching a transformation crystal now requires completing 4 test subjects that fulfill that research type instead of only 3.

-- Already-completed research from older save files will automatically gain another research point so as to remain completed.

- The second location, 7275 E. 9th Ave, is now in Tier 2 instead of Tier 1, allowing for product development to begin earlier. Every other location aside from the starting location has its tier set 1 higher.

New employees:

- Roxanne into Roxy Matthews, girl into doe-woman

New Random/generated clients:

- Woman into cartoony t-rex mascot by PedanticCheesecake (https://www.deviantart.com/pedanticcheesecake)

New story clients:

- Twinkle Sprinkle IV, V, and VI by Thriller54321 (https://www.deviantart.com/thriller54321). Each has two possible versions depending on the choice made in Twinkle Sprinkle III.

- Amber The Dragon I, II, and III by Thriller54321 and PedanticCheesecake.

- Gerda The Griffon I, II, and III by Thriller54321.

- Private Eyes, Always Watching You, Parts I through V. Requires infamy to trigger.

New research subjects

- Emily Green, woman into sheepgirl shepard. Satisfies Feralization, Purification, and Month Stabilizer research.

- Eleanor Keller, woman into Folk Hero Woodcutter Giant. Satisfies Masculinization, Defeminization, Growth, and Personality research.

- Braylan Terell, man into sylph, a female wind elemental. Satisfies Demasculinization, Feminization, Fantasticalization, and Personality research.

- Horace Harker, Hestia Harker, twins merged into a double-souled dark circus master. Fulfills Corruption, Merging, and Permanent Stabilizer research.

- Sir Harold Wantachest IV, a man into a windup tin soldier automaton. Fulfills Inanimation, Shrinking, and Month Stabilizer research.

Updated research subjects:

- Casey Canopli (tf into tree) now also fulfills Week Stabilizer research

- Marnie Underhill (tf into kangaroo) now also fulfills Year Stabilizer research

New artwork:

- Roxy Matthews employee artwork by Balile

- TG Cola Venus product before and after graphics by AnthroMage

- TG Cola Mars product before and after graphics by AnthroMage

- Mermaid trio artwork for the Under the Sea - III and up story client by Mizuho


The characters used in this promotional artwork are drawn by AnthroMage.



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