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Download at https://judoott.itch.io/transformation-tycoon

New game features:

 - Loans have been reworked. Loans now have a minimum daily payment that, unlike previously, actually DO decrease the total amount owed after interest is applied.

 - Added Loan Detail panel that allows for a more detailed view of a loan. Taking out a loan or repaying it happens on this panel instead of the Loan list panel.

 - Loans can now be partially repayed past the daily minimum amount after 3 days have passed since taking out the loan. The Loan Detail panel has an input that lets you specify how much extra to put towards paying back the loan.

 - Added button on Loan panel to instantly pay all loan minimum daily balances earlier than the end of the day.

 - Loans whose minimum payments are not met are now penalized by accuring penalty interest that grows proportionally to the base loan interest rate. Successfully making minimum payments reduces this penalty interest again at half the rate that it can grow.

Balances / Tweaks:

 - Higher amount loans have lowered interest rates so that keeping up with the base minimum daily payment should pay them off in under 60 days. "Uncle Joe" loans are the one exception as they require no daily payments but have very high interest rates.


 - Transformation crystals should never cost below $10 regardless of employee effects or passive effects to prevent the price going into negatives.

 - Accept Charity transformation type dropdown should read "Inanimate, Growth" instead of "Inanimate, Shrinking" to reflect the actual client's crystal needs.

 - Employees that quit or are fired could incorrectly sometimes be working the same day they were re-hired. Now they should have to wait for the following day for their schedule to take effect.


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