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Download at: https://judoott.itch.io/exile-of-aphrodisia

New encounters:

- Merry-Go-Morph (player transformation from male elf into chimera)

New art:

- player transformation from male elf into chimera by AcuteDaisy



Any chance for a cheat/debug version? I tried the one for the previous version, but it's no longer available.


V1.0.15 should be uploaded on https://bluefairymediagames.itch.io/exile-of-aphrodisia-patreon as usual. Are you able to download it? Some people have been having trouble with the Itch-Patreon integration in the past few days.


I get the option to pay for it, but I was under the impression the 4$ tier gave access to debug builds. Sounds like an integration bug,


Yeah, the $3 and up tiers should give access. I'll message you with a key. Hopefully this weird thing clears up soon!


I still can't access the debug builds on Itch. Just asks me to pay for it.


i cant access the debug builds as well its asking me to pay for it