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Happy Thanksgiving for those who celebrate it this weekend!

To give April some time to catch up on the voted-on Transformation Tycoon staff, we're going to go back again and run a poll for Bimbocalypse: Rise of the Bimbies.

The winning sequence will be a 11 step male to female TG sequence for a new Agent character.

Like with the artwork voting, $7 patrons will receive an extra 2 votes, and $15 patrons will receive 7 votes.  If you are in one of these tiers, lease post your vote (in addition to checking your vote here) on this post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/voting-on-7-and-24262344 

Got more ideas for future polls? Feel free to share them on our Discord server! https://discord.gg/SnatgGu


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