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Hey folks! As Transformation Tycoon is now released, we thought we'd spend the next few monthly polls letting you vote on which staff you'd like to see illustrated and added into the game next. All of the staff in this poll have already been planned to be added into the game, so if your first choice doesn't win, it will be drawn in a following month. As more of these staff are entered into the game, we'll create a second monthly poll exclusively for user-provided suggestions for staff you'd like to see separate from those we have planned.

Also note that April/Duhad is currently working on unique story and generated clients that tie into these employee's lives to help flesh them out and give them some more personality.

Here is our list of planned staff in more detail. The top two winners will be chosen.

NOTE: Last month Khasar Myagmar and Andre Washington won in the polls so they are no longer in this list. 

Not this month but NEXT month, we will start seeking out community suggestions for employees to be added into the game. We will vet the suggestions and if approved enter them into the pool. From there we will start running two simultaneous polls, one for community contributed clients, and the other to finish off this list. One winner will be chosen from each poll.


Name: Alejandro Guerrero

Starting Pronouns: He/Him

Ideal Self: A big, strong, tall and handsome demon, like a REAL sexy devil!

About Me: You don’t want to hear about me, seriously, my life’s painfully normal, especially compared to what you're doing! I grew up in a good house, had supportive parents, went to a decent school and got a solid job as a nurse. It's all fine, don't get me wrong, but it's also not very interesting. I could spend the rest of my life doing the same thing and be fine, but I want more than to just be ‘fine’, I want to be hot and work in a wild and unpredictable place! Plus I got some ideas about how I could use your services…”

Ending Name: Astarial Lord of the Flex

Ending Pronouns: He/Him


Name: Alex Romero

Starting Pronouns: They/Them

Ideal Self: A shifting goo person, one who can be whatever they want whenever they want! I want my body to be as fluid as my gender.

About Me: All my life I’ve struggled with who and what I was and wanted to be. I knew from a pretty early age that I didn’t really feel comfortable with the body I was born with and I was lucky enough to have a family who supported me experimenting with identity and self expression, but still… Like transitioning didn’t really appeal to me since it would just be going from one body that felt off to another and just stopping somewhere in the middle also felt like it was missing out on what I really needed. Then I learned about your work and suddenly it all clicked! Transformation can be a life saver for so many people like me and I want to help you make that a reality!

Ending Name: Ace Romero


Name: Shalin Dixit

Starting Pronouns: They/Them

Ideal Self: A beautiful, angelic being possessing the best of both male and female features. Why settle for less when given the option?

About Me: “You shouldn't play God.” I’m sure you have heard that one before, in your line of work especially, but have you ever really thought about it? I mean really think about it, if we are made in the image of the creator, why should we not mimic him in pursuing creation? All my life I was told to place my faith in God's plan and I have always strived to do so, dedicating myself to living a life in accordance with the teachings I grew up with, yet something always felt off. Then I heard of the work you were doing and I knew I had found my true calling! You are doing God's work and I want to help you play him so well that he himself will be proud of us both!

Ending Name: Acchindra Dixit

Ending Pronouns: They/Them


Name: April McLoud

Starting Pronouns: She/Her

Ideal Self: Wow that’s a big question, but I think… Goblin? Ya a goblin girl! Because green is the best! Plus goblins are adorable.

About Me: It's actually sort of funny, when I heard about this place, I was actually writing for a company that made games all about this sort of thing! Now don’t get me wrong, that job was amazing and I loved it, the fans were great and the people I worked with were wonderful, but this? This is so much bigger and better than that! Getting a chance to work here is like the life long dream I never even knew I had! And besides, I saw that question about ‘ideal selves’ and I have a pretty good idea what that means! So come on, give me a shot, I promise you probably won’t regret it!

Ending Name: April Duhad

Ending Pronouns: She/Her


$7 patrons will receive an extra 2 votes for a total of 3, and $15 patrons will receive  6 extra votes for a total of 7.  If you are in one of these tiers, lease post your vote (in addition to checking your vote here) on this post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/voting-on-7-and-24262344


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