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Something I've been thinking about lately is registering an account with Steam and uploading some or all of the Blue Fairy Media games up on there. It costs a $100 deposit per game to upload (until / if the game earns $1,000 in game sales or DLC, so there's a fair bit of up-front cost to this.

If we pursue this, the existing games that are free on Itch.io will continue to be free on Steam, though I may see if it's possible to include some kind of paid bonus content to try and recoup the deposit cost. More information on Steam direct is on their site here: https://partner.steamgames.com/steamdirect 

If our games were on Steam, would you play them? Why or why not? Let us know any particular concerns or reasons for/against in the comments!



I wouldn't mind paying if they do show up on Steam, but the upload cost would certainly bite back at first. It would probably need to be on a case by case biases if it would be feasible to do so with the games.

akeem peters

I don't mind playing if it on steam and sometimes I forget to check for updates and I check out updates faster if the game automatically updates. I hope you do this no matter what people say and I would buy dlc for all your games even if said dlc allows me to cheat. There a bigger audience on steam then itch sometimes I forgot itch existed.