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Download at: https://judoott.itch.io/exile-of-aphrodisia

New game features:

- Dairy cows and chicken (and their fairy variants) produce twice as much food when they do produce them in the mornings.

- 3 new desert fate epilogues for party members due to low morale

- 2 new ice road fate epilogues for party members due to low morale

- 3 new jungle fate epilogues for party members due to low morale

- 1 new greenlands fate epilogue for party members due to low morale

New encounters:

- Size Isn't Everything (tf into fairy with Napoleonic Complex) by Roxanne

- Night of the Cow Brides (tf into minotaur milk cows) by Duhad

- A Tiger's Fearful Symmetry (tf into tiger and tiger into human) by Duhad

- Demonic Music to Electrify the Soul (tf into metal imp bard) by Duhad

- Pinkie Please (tf into pink latex drone)

- Your Wish is My Command (player transformation from female elf to wish-granting Djinn) by Roxanne

New art:

- Fairy with a Napoloenic Complex by AcuteDaisy

- Minotaur milk cows by Vjeol

- Tiger by BeingObscene

- Metal Imp Bard by Balile

- Pink latex drone by Vjeol

- Djinn by AcuteDaisy

- Added unique artwork for elven wineskin, mood ring, and tobacco pouch purchaseable morale-boosting supplies


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