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Hey everyone!

We’ve mentioned TFTycoon before in the past and that game is starting to near a point where we’ll be releasing the first public playable demo. This means we need to focus more effort towards writing its clients. (If you’re part of the Blue Fairy Media Discord server, you might have already tried out some pre-alpha demo builds we have released over the past few weeks.)

As such, we’ve been thinking about changing up the voting system again after getting some feedback from the community about what you all want to see more of. As the number of encounters for Exile has grown larger and larger, it has been more difficult to regularly produce new content and arrange for artists. Therefore we’d like to shift more toward producing some limited new Bimbie content as well as perhaps focusing more heavily on Exile player character transformations, both of which are less demanding on writers' time than the current system is now.

Please vote for what you’d prefer to see. This poll is open to backers and non-backers alike.

Note that this will not take effect in April but would start in May or later, meaning there will still be a new poll up for an Exile player transformation coming soon to $3+  Patreon backers.

If you don't know what Exile (Exile of Aphrodisia) is, you can check it here: https://tfgames.site/index.php?module=viewgame&id=1270

or Bimbie (full name Bimbocalypse: Rise of the Bimbies) here: https://tfgames.site/index.php?module=viewgame&id=2206

Thanks! Feel free to leave any comments, questions, or suggestions.


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