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 Download it here: https://judoott.itch.io/bimbocalypse-rise-of-the-bimbies 

- New playable character, Agent Romero, who has a very high initial stamina but recovers it far more slowly than his peers. Search for energy-restoring powerups to help counter this. Art is by Darkoshen.

- New 11th level, CTCP Facility.

- Added Agent campaign difficulty selection. Easy means each hit with a Bimbie infects you by 5%. Normal is the typical 10%, and Hard infects you by 20%.

- Improved Bimbie movement to more efficiently chase the player when within line of sight.

- Updated to higher resolution graphics for character icons.

- Level time and campaign time now show on the HUD and the pre-level screen.

- Added an early sample of the upcoming Bimbie campaign. This is a prototype for demonstration purposes only, so:

+ collision is not set up other than to keep the player within the playable world

+ There is no second level to reach

+ The player's portrait does not currently ever change

- Updated various parts of Agent campaign pre-level text

- The arrow keys can now be used for movement again in addition to WASD



Now, Bimbie Mode is great, can't wait to see final product but whoooo boy, but got an issue and I assume you might already know it, but at around 110 bimbies follwing you, it chuggs like a Bitch and my PC is brand spankers and pretty meaty, now will admit running at "4K" so maybe with on lower rez, but still need to maybe eiher limit it or not sure, BTW standing still or having Bimbies go out and get new Victims it's fine, but once I hit Follow and power is around 120 as soon as I move frame rate drops off massively. Other then that it's prety cool, can't wait for it proper. On other thing will the Bimbies get more powerful when they go out on their own at some point, when it gets so there are a ton of agents and I hit X they go out and I see the horde get slammed as they can't seem to take on agents, I understand they each have only one power but if they swarmed and made mini squads to take them outt hat would be cool.


Will we be seeing inflatable doll tf images in future updates? Can't wait for this mode's release.


There probably won't ever be as many entities in the world at once in the final release. For the sake of this tech demo kinda thing, they spawn in on repeat forever and after a while the collision detection and pathfinding starts to take a real heavy toll even on the best of machines. The strongest level of Agent planned currently is 50, and they'll be pretty nasty if you get close to them.


Yep, I'm planning on having one for each of the Bimbie characters as an end-game state. I've already sent payment off to Darkoshen for the first of the Bimbie sequences and will post it here when it's all ready.


BTW the New Character is like Hard Mode on any difficulty :P Might need adjusting, in fact with new AI for Bimbies I find even the "easiest" character, uh, the first one (can't remember name), I could get to last area without much difficulty, but yeah with new AI it was much harder. Edit: not complaining just wasn't expecting it, will play some more later and might be able to adjust.


So being fully infected is not the end, its just the beginning :D


From my playtesting it was Kenneth that lost his advantage, becoming slower (without sprinting) than some of the faster bimbies. I'll certainly go through and do some adjustments to each character's difficulty as I add more of them in.