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This month we collected $637.83, so based on this sum we can commission six encounters, one of which is a player transformation. [Please be aware that in the future we will be limiting the amount of winners to 3 regular encounters per month, alternating each month with 1 player transformation, due to a transition in our focus to Bombie . You can read more about this change and Bombie on the pinned post, https://www.patreon.com/posts/please-read-to-32868448 .]

The winners for November are below:

1.  Trying to poach Griffon nests for their magic gold comes with a hefty price  with 27 votes

2.  Snake haired Medusa is only the beginning of the parties troubles  with 21 votes

3.  Seductive Witch looking to lure in an unsuspecting wanderer to create the ultimate partner and lover  with 19 votes

4.  A flaming Salamander Girl who bathes in fire after a dip in the wrong hot jungle spring with 17 votes

5.  New Elven Parents transformed by a fairy to take care of an orphanage with 12 votes

 The player transformation will be in a separate poll, coming soon!  


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