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Hey there! Thanks for all patron backers current and past! As mentioned in the most recent encounter poll, there will be some changes for this account coming very soon.

As you may have noticed, the Patreon account and related Discord have a new name and logo, Blue Fairy Media Games [Exile Of Aphrodisia] . Eventually the [Exile of Aphrodisia] part will be dropped, leaving behind only the name of the studio I work on games under, and the patreon description will give a summary of each individual games that are developed under it instead of being specific to Exile.

What does this mean for Exile of Aphrodisia? Exile is, and has been for a few months, in a post 1.0 release which means it is considered feature-complete in its current state, and for the most part, what is being added is mostly quality of life improvements (such as being able to choose your player transformation or a random one--coming in V1.0.5) or new content. Duhad, the lead writer, is working hard on the encounters that have been voted on since the 1.0 updates. Expect to see the Cowtaur player transformation to be released soon!

However, we've found that the current workload has still been too high. Each encounter takes several hours to write, proofread, and implement into the game--not to mention the time it takes for artists to draw the artwork for it. Player transformations take 3 or 4 times as much work, and with only one writer focusing on Exile full time the backlog has been growing.

Therefore, we are going to start limiting the new encounters to 3 regular encounters per month, alternating each month with 1 player transformation. Art will continue to be included with all new content. This means that the monthly intake will no longer have an impact on the quantity of content added but does ensure that the most popular type of encounter -- player transformations -- will continue to be added regularly. We hope that this pace will allow us to catch up on the backlog and keep encounters, particularly player transformations, more unique.

So where is developer time and funds going if not Exile? As stated before at Exile’s 1.0 release,  I have shifted my attention to other project, namely learning Unity and working on a couple small games before starting my next ambitious project). 

The first of these smaller project has a working title of Bombie and is an action-arcade game built in Unity. In Bombie the player is an agent at the Center for Transformation Control and Prevention tasked with collecting samples to research and end a contagious entity transforming the world’s men and women into fast, nimble zombie-like bimbos nicknamed Bombies. The game concept is simple and will be a relatively brief experience as the primary focus of it is to teach me how to work with Unity, how to use its 2d tilemap features and integrate in AI and pathfinding, develop spritesheets, a basic UI, and--importantly--how to publish a relatively polished game to Windows, Mac, Linux, and potentially even Android and iOS devices.

In the upcoming weeks we’ll begin to release developer blogs and screenshots of our work in progress and will hopefully have some early downloadable versions for patrons to download by the end of January. Depending on how much Patreon money is left per month after the appropriate amount is removed for Exile, we’ll be adding in more and varied artwork into Bombie which includes at least 11 step transformation/transgender sequences of the starting male agent in a Bombie. We are also considering commissioning short comics to be used to deliver the plot (think Max Payne style).

We understand that this is a very different type of game than what Exile has to offer. The reasons for migrating this Patreon account over from one specific to Exile of Aphrodisia to a more general one for the studio is to preserve certain Patreon features that have been grandfathered into the account that are now only available at tiers that take a higher cut of the creator’s income. Creating a new Patreon account would mean us losing the ability to use those features for an active project while preserving them for a post 1.0 release project, in addition to more administrative overhead.

Please post any questions, comments, or concerns you have below.



I love the premise of Bombie. I would definitely love to play this game and I will stay a patron for the incredible quality games that you create.


Thanks for your kind words! I aim on putting out some development-blog type stuff soon to give a better idea of what it's like so far.


Introducing short comics is a really great idea. We will see how it will be. Happy New Year!


Heyo, just wondering if anyword on when next update to Bimbies will be out? I came here from that and while I understand that your main focus is Exile, I'm keen for some updates to Bimbies, especially the "Play as Bimbie's" feature that was announced. I am also keen for a continuation of the storyline/ending(s), etc.


Bimbies is actually my main focus now. I've been working on the mechanics for the Bimbie campaign so there hasn't been much in the terms of actual playable updates. I also just sent away the money for the first bimbie-campaign transformation sequence, so I expect that to take a few weeks as well based on the artist's availability. If you are interested enough, I could upload an "as-is" version of the game.


It's up to you, I am just happy for any additional content, but if you prefer to wait that's fine too.