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It's time! This is the November 2019 voting poll that will help us keep  populating Exile with new content post 1.0 release! Vote on which  encounter(s) you'd like to see in the game, along with an accompanying  post-transformation graphic.
Like with the artwork voting, $7 patrons will receive an extra 2 votes, and $15 patrons will receive 7 votes.  If you are in one of these tiers, lease post your vote (in addition to checking your vote here) on this post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/voting-on-7-and-24262344
Got more ideas for future encounters? Feel free to share them on our Discord server! https://discord.gg/SnatgGu  

Don't forget to vote in the tiebreaker player transformation vote which ends soon! https://www.patreon.com/posts/player-vote-31830110  


This time we'll forego more detailed descriptions of these ideas as most are suggested by patrons. This will provide April more flexibility in how she chooses to write them.


 See below for the calculations how many of these encounters will be selected as winners:

$150 base amount withheld

$80 per new encounter

  • $50 - art
  • $30 - writing

$150 -- min 1 encounter monthly

$230 -- 1 encounter

$310 -- 2 encounters

$390 -- 3 encounters

$470 -- 4 encounters

$550 -- 5 encounters, 1 of which is a player character transformation 

$630 -- 6 encounters, 1 of which is a player character transformation 

$710 -- 7 encounters, 1 of which is a player character transformation 

$790 -- 8 encounters, 1 of which is a player character transformation 


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