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Hello! Exile of Aphrodisia has been in development for three years now and has grown far larger than I ever intended it to, and at this point I think I am happy with the story being told and its diverse set of transformations (177 encounters at the time of writing).  Exile of Aphrodisia has now been released as 1.0. That means Exile will be considered to be in a finished state and I will start to shift my attention to other projects (namely learning Unity and working on a couple small games before starting my next ambitious project). 

This does not mean that Exile won’t ever update again. I will continue to fix bugs as they come up, correct spelling and grammar fixes, issues with gendered pronouns, and add in some minor quality of life improvements. In terms of new written content, there will likely be a male elf to male werewolf player transformation written by upcoming guest writer lamarcodon, and the male elf to female dragoness player transformation will be re-enabled once the artwork is complete. Additionally, there are a few encounters I was not able to finish in time for 1.0 that I’d still like to get in someday, so I’m sure I’ll turn back to writing every now and then as the inspiration strikes me.

The Patreon for Exile will remain open. Eventually I’ll be posting dev blog posts on progress in my future games (unrelated to Exile) and will, in time, either convert this account to a general one for all of my projects, or rebrand it for a particular upcoming project. The reason for this is that as long as I keep this Patreon open, I’ll be able to retain some Patreon functionality for free that has been moved to paid tiers in recent months.

Instead of voting on new artwork, there will be a combined poll where people can vote for new ideas for encounter/affliction themes (player transformations excluded as those are significantly more work). Winning results will automatically come with appropriate post-transformation artwork and they will be released directly to the public.  As with the art poll, how much money is collected in a given month will determine how much content I can commission out. We will also continue to withhold a certain base amount from this calculation to cover various expenses like taxes, future player transformation artwork, replacing some of the older graphics with updated versions, and to build up some money for future projects. Duhad will likely take on writing most of the new encounters on commission that win in the polls, allowing me to focus on Unity.

Post 1.0 builds of Exile will be released monthly, probably around the 5th of each month when Patreon pledges all finish processing. These releases will be both public and Patreon-only, the difference being the Patreon version will continue to have the debug / cheat menu enabled. I will release major or critical bugfixes as needed regardless of when in the month it is.

I also plan to spend some time ensuring that Exile of Aphrodisia runs on Linux operating systems before diving too deep into learning Unity. I would also like to release to Mac computers as well, but the investment for this is much steeper as it requires me to actually purchase a Mac to do so, which as many of you know is not the cheapest.

Thank you all for your support, past, present, and future!

Below are my calculations on how to determine how much art and writing to commission out monthly:

$150 base amount withheld

$80 per new encounter

  • $50 - art
  • $30 - writing

$150 -- min 1 encounter monthly

$230 -- 1 encounter

$310 -- 2 encounters

$390 -- 3 encounters

$470 -- 4 encounters

$550 -- 5 encounters, 1 of which is a player character transformation


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