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New game features:

- Divine influence effects now stack, meaning multiple effects all provide bonuses or penalties

- Food descriptions now include what their effects on health, morale, and lust are, if any

- Bonuses from equipment or positive divine influences display in green on party member name cards while negatives display in red

- The Voyage page lists all encounters you've witnessed so far

- Shop page now shows the food type icon beside the food name

- The running game icon in the Windows open app bar now has a custom icon instead of the generic Electron one

- Pausing the game and viewing player / party / food / voyage / action/ inventory pages, then returning back, does not automatically unpause the game anymore

- Added additional artists credits on the About page

- Jungle biome now has unique audio ambience noises

- Equippable item descriptions show what professions that can use them as well as how much bonus skill they provide

- Food descriptions show any bonuses or penalties to health, morale, or lust

- Added new party preset, the Heads Held High party, which is a wealthy 20-member party full of low-skilled and affliction-vulnerable former noblemen and women. Let the transformations commence.

New graphics:

- Piranha mermaid by Balile

- Goblin huntress by Balile

- Chameleon girl by Vjeol

- Happy and grumpy clown girl graphics by Balile

- Female werewolf by BeingObscene

- White Wolf by Balile

- Parrot woman by Luxianne

- Blue Sister mothwoman by Vjoel

- Harem bimbo by Wrenzephyr

- new icon for bottles of incense


- NPC dialogue text should now mix in variable blocks of text correct, ie no $PC_species$ or $PARTY$ mistakenly appearing

- Fixed incorrect message when party needed terrain-specific recources but had none

- Fix for the shop not showing the correct amount of food of a given type that you already have when there are multiple groups of food with different spoilages for that food type

- Various item and food description spelling corrections. Corrections to introduction texts.



A while ago you said that you will upload a free update at early September is this it, and even if it is when you will post it on itch.io ?


No, the public 1.0 is not out yet but should be within the next few days if all goes according to plan. When it is released, it will be on both Itch.io and uploaded here with the debug/cheat build still exclusive to Patreon backers.