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New game features:

- Not all landmarks will have all the features of others now.  The five features are the Tavern, Temple of Domumeris, Apothecary, Food/Item shop, and Sanctuary.

- The player character now uses food from the party's food stores.  By default the player eats .5kg food per meal, but this amount can vary based on the player's current form.

- The player page now shows how much food you eat per meal.

- Added a button to eject afflicted party members from the affliction detail page.

- Each section of the journey now has multiple routes that can be taken.  All routes take the party toward Niu Heym, but some routes are longer than others and lead to landmarks with a different combination of attractions.

- The Voyage page has been changed to show total distance traveled as well as the shortest and longest possible distances to Niu Heym.  The trail progression percentage on the bottom-right of the main page uses the average between the two.

- Removed the number of landmarks customizeable option on the New Game page now that the trail is no longer randomized.

New graphics:

- Magma Goddess (by Balile)

- Centauress Bride (by Unidentified-TF)

- Cat Woman (by Unidentified-TF)



The food button is soft-locking me. The 'Back to Trail' button doesn't do anything. Man's Men party with prioritize new encounters checked.


Oops! I see the problem and will get that fixed soon. Edit: If you download the the file from the Release post again, it should be updated with the bugfix for this.