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Exile of Aphrodisia is updating how backer's tiers affect the artwork that gets into the game.

Instead of having $15 pledges be able to choose one piece of artwork per month, each tier will now be able to vote on which artwork they'd like to have published in the game next.  $3 tiers will receive 1 vote per month, $7 tier will receive 3 votes per month, and the $15 tier will receive 7 votes per month.

We will be putting up a poll after the 5th day of each month, which is about when the collection process finishes up and we know how much can be spent on artwork.  The poll will list graphics that have been suggested to be illustrated--anyone is free to suggest a graphic to go on the list.

Because Patreon does not currently support offering multiple vote in a single poll, there will be 3 polls, a poll for each tier, $3, $7, and $15.  All votes in the $3 tier will be worth 1 vote.  All votes in the $7 tier will be worth 2 votes, and all votes in the $15 tier will be worth 4 votes.  This means that a $15 backer should be voting in all three of the polls, for a total of 7 votes.  You may vote for a different graphic in each poll if you wish.

The poll will be open for one month.  After it closes, the three polls will be tallied up with the winning graphic(s) announced.  The number of graphics commissioned per month will be determined by the total amount collected--for each $70 past an initial $150 collected (after taxes, credit card fees, and Patreon's cut), one piece of artwork will be commissioned.  The $150 threshold is there so we have money to spend on other type of artwork within the game -- player transformation sequences, environmental, or item icon artwork, etc.


$220 - 1 graphic

$290 - 2 graphics

$360 - 3 graphics

$430 - 4 graphics

$500- 5 graphics

$570 - 6 graphics

$640 - 7 graphics

Valid graphics are single-character images that are the result of a completed transformation from either an encounter or from an affliction.  This means that player transformation artwork is invalid since they are full sequences requiring multiple steps.

If you are or were a $15 backer and have not requested artwork for a month that has already passed, please send us a message here on Patreon.  We will honor any owed graphics until July 2018, so please reach out sooner than later.

Why this change?

- We have not heard back from many of the old $15 backers who are owed artwork for months now, which means withholding money for longer for a request that may never come.

- Since a vast majority of pledges are of the $3 tier, this will allow more interaction with the community while still providing some advantage to higher pledges

- Commissioning art costs more than $15 per graphic, so scaling the number of graphics provided to total income helps makes budget management easier and more consistent.


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