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Dustee Lodholtz

I clicked soooo fast! So excited! 🖤

Dustee Lodholtz

Okay. So. I understand the hesitation. Because people do make mistakes (i.e. Richard cheated for YEARS on Adele and she still took him back and we're able to live their life and marriage happily) I do however want to say I DONT condone cheating, however I know there's always 2 stories. For Owen to not even remember the woman's name is appalling. 🤢 Meredith will always be Christina's person, and vice versa, I'd love to have that relationship with someone that's so deep you can just sit on the phone in silence with them just because they wanna make sure you're okay. Mark Sloan 🤦🏼‍♀️🤣 he's such a brat lmao although he didn't do a bad job, the only thing that pissed me off also was he wasn't even made chief and almost made the decision that would've killed the old man 🙄 Excellent episode, excited to continue the rest of this season 🖤🤌🏻🔥


Oh, I love this episode. Any episode that gives me lots of cristina tbh. I would want to know all the details too. How dare you cheat purposefully and then try to get around it. Sit in your shame and explain yourself

Imani Lee

There's this saying "people come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime." Owen and Christina only came into each other's lives for a reason and they both mistook it for a lifetime. Owen needed someone that was going to force him to tackle his PTSD and Christina needed someone to help her truly move on from Burke. And because they went beyond those reasons they just spent a lot of time hurting each other. Now granted Owen was doing majority of the hurting but I digress.


Unpopular opinion but Team “I don’t have Owen” here. I just don’t understand why he gets all the heat in what went wrong in the relationship. I’d feel sorry for Christina if she would let Owen go but she still wants him around even though she won’t give him what he wants. Again her being selfish, she won’t change her mind but let me string you along so you’ll change yours. They should’ve parted long time ago.

Travis Manning

Him screaming at her about her abortion in a house full of their friends and coworkers is something I will never forgive him for. Ever. He is forever on my shit list and will not come off of it. :)


He's a cheater and has been multiple times. I don't understand why people forget that he cheated on Beth when he kissed Christina and then ghosted her when he returned from the war. Then he cheated on christina. He dismissed her when she first told him she didn't want kids and then yelled at her in front of all their friends when she followed through with that after getting pregnant. She's not forcing him to stay in this relationship or promising that she will give him what he wants so how is that stringing him along?


Man this episode is hard to watch. The whole Owen & Cristina fight was devastating

TinTeume 빅뱅사랑해

Christina Yang is definitely one of the best characters of this show and Sandra Oh played her so well. The character and the actress -- brilliant!

Just Tika

You’ve been Very judgmental when it comes to Owen. He’s entitled to have his opinion just like you are. That’s the exact problem that he’s having with Christina. She fails to be able to see other peoples points of view like he said. I don’t think he’s a bad person. I think he’s very passionate and what he believes, and there’s nothing wrong with that. I just wish that you and others would give him the same grace that you give the other people. Christina was also wrong getting into a marriage with a man that she knew wanted children or not taking the time to find that out because not wanting children is not the norm for most people and that something she should have thought about before getting married

Emmanuel Davies

April could make me do anything if she talked to me in that voice 🥵🥵


One of my favorite parts of this show is how they always seem to tie in patient things with what’s going on with them personally…like when Meredith was talking to the patient and was saying “you told them not to come” and he goes “what does that matter” and it makes her realize that even though Christina is saying she’s fine and doesn’t need her, Mer knows she does🥺

Nathe Herman

Yeah, he’s entitled to his opinions himself too. Myself, Travis and many others I’m sure feel the same way about Owen.

Travis Manning

The point of my reactions is to be judgmental of these CHARACTERS. it’s going to be ok. I promise. ;)

Leticia Schmitt

well... I’d feel sorry for Owen if he would let Christin go but he still wants her around even though he won’t give her what she wants. Again him being selfish, he won’t change his mind but let me string you along so you’ll change yours..... Plus he cheated on her and humiliated and exposed her in front of all of their friends. saying she's the selfish one when he's a grown up man that hearded multiple times that she doesn't want kids its an unpopular opinion for a reason

Leticia Schmitt

and I coppied and pasted part of your comment swipping the characters to make a point... why she should "let him be" when he can just... leave (?) But instead he keeps coming back saying he's supporting her just to throw all of that on her face again.

Leticia Schmitt

I agree... Sandra Oh is def the best actor on grey's. She's surreal


Your reactions are the best. I completely lost it when you called the mistress Ms. Frizzle 😂 The Owen and Cristina situation is so complex, but by the end of it I definitely hate Owen. I understand the perspective that they are both at fault for the hurt and their relationship failing, but to me Owen was on another level of hurtful he was maliciously hurtful. Cristina definitely made it clear she didn’t want kids and Owen definitely CHOSE to hold on to the belief that it was just a "phase" and she would change her mind about it which is his own fault. But, Owen should have ended it after the abortion and been like "I love you which is why I held your hand through the procedure, but I can't be with you because I can't move past the hurt I feel from aborting our baby and we clearly don't want the same things for our futures" And Cristina should have ended it when he clearly couldn't get past the abortion. I WILL NEVER for the life of me understand how she didn't leave him after he screamed at her that "she killed their baby" at Zola's party in front of everyone. No one forced either one of them to continue on with their relationship they both just chose to act as if love would be enough to make everything work out. I hold the belief that Cristina definitely had the right to exercise her right to terminate the pregnancy and Owen had the right to his feelings about the situation, because he did want the baby so he has the right to feel hurt and mourn the loss of the idea of forming a family. (this does not mean he had the right to try to manipulate her into changing her mind, just the right to feel hurt and loss) Owen choosing to not end the relationship and continuing to work on his marriage with Cristina after they go through with the abortion gives the impression that he is choosing her and she is enough for him even without forming a family and he wants to move past his hurt, but clearly this isn't the case , which is why the relationship should have ENDED. Where the root of my dislike/hate for Owen comes from is that rather than end the relationship or move on from the kids issue he chose to use his hurt as an excuse for continuing to punish Cristina/hurt her. The way I see it Cristina hurting Owen was a consequence of her standing firm in her boundary of no kids and not changing her mind on the issue which she is not doing maliciously. Owen on the other hand is hurting her by saying she murdered their baby, cheating on her, calling her selfish for not giving into him and just having kids because it would make him happy etc. all things with the intent of hurting her which is malicious. So I am 100% with you on Owen being on the shit list. I'm glad that in this episode Cristina has finally put a stop to allowing him to "punish her" and has him move out Can't wait to see more of your episode reactions

Just Tika

Nate And your point is what exactly? I said what I said. He hasn’t watched the series so he hasn’t seen all of the character development for these characters as of yet. Mine is coming from a place of having watched this several times. I’m just saying, give the characters some grace it’ll make for a better viewing experience in my opinion.

Brittany Wilson

Christina and Owen are a prime example of why you don’t rush into a marriage. Why you have the important conversations first. They were both wrong for not doing so. They should both check the hypocrisy at the door. That being said, Owen’s behavior at Zolas birthday party was gross and inexcusable. Yang (and Bailey and Karev are my favorite)

Travis Manning

To be fair … how could I react to things I haven’t seen yet ? I am making my opinions based on what’s shown to me, not what could be or is in the future.


lmfao i literally choked on my water when you said "miss frizzle" 💀💀


For me, emotional cheating is way worse than pure physical. What Derek and Richard did for example, was a way worse betrayal in my mind. To be fair, I'm okay with having an open relationship, but communication is key. Communication is everything and that's something Cristina and Owen have never had. I do believe they love each other, but love isn't the only thing that will make a relationship last.


It's fine to have the unpopular opinion; I'm just trying to understand what you mean by stringing him along. Stringing somebody along means making them think they have a chance at what they want when they don't. She has never done that. Is it just poor word choice?


Yes they were both wrong for not having certain conversations before rushing into marriage but Owen cheated to intentionally hurt her. She was not trying to hurt him when she had the abortion. He also cheated on his previous partner with Christina and didn't tell her that he was already with somebody, whom had no idea he was home from war, when he pursued her. He will always be "more wrong" than her because of that.


phenomenal acting from Sandra Oh in this episode 🙌

Michaela Evans

I personally feel like if he doesn't remember their name, then the interaction wasn't all that important. But maybe that's just me🤷🏾‍♀️

Lex Larae

Every time I see this episode I just think Poor Lexipedia 😂

Sandi M

I don't want to get into anything heavy about this episode, so I'm just going to say I noticed just after time marker 34:00 or so, it looks like both the actress that plays Arizona, and the actress that plays April might be pregnant when they filmed this. I have seen this episode before, but never noticed that.

Letitia Hunt

His whole job is literally to react and judge babes 😂. He is a bad person. He knew she didn’t want a kid, continues to bring it back up that she exercised her right to choose and intentionally cheated to hurt her. No character ‘deserves’ grace. When you watch shows you form opinions. If you don’t like that Travis has an opinion that may be time to self reflect and see if you can open your mind to watch a reaction

Letitia Hunt

So Christina is in the wrong for wanting her husband who she loves around? And he’s not fully in the wrong for cheating, screaming at her for having an abortion etc?

Michaela Evans

That part's obvious. I personally wouldn't be fixated on her name. What's the point of knowing her name when the damage is done?

Just Tika

I still said what I said so thanks for your opinion on my opinion I guess.

Sorcha Miana

'Owen vs Christina' is an understandable mindset here. I also understand the desire to label a 'good person' or a 'bad person'. Ultimately, humanity is more nuanced than that. To understand a person's character (gonna use Owen as an example here) we'd have to begin with his formative years and know what the men in his life taught him about how to treat women. Then next, whatever his upbringing was, neither the military, not the medical profession have been quick to offer equality and respect to women and we know that. There is therefore a lot this man needs to unlearn. Some men (like Alex Karev) are comparatively faster at unlearning toxic mindsets (though in Karev's case he's had several female mentors and friends, which helps a lot). Others (like Owen) may take a whole lot longer. That doesn't mean, as viewers, we can just condone their behaviours. We should always be diligent about calling them out on their ish, every. single. time. And other characters are not required to forgive them or stay in relationships with them. When someone treats you in a toxic way, get away from them. Prioritize your wellbeing and safety. Christina needed to leave Owen after Zola's birthday party. That kind of public verbal abuse is just as harmful as if he had hit her. That was extremely traumatic for her and painful to watch. Everyone's opinions here are valid. I do think we run into problems though when we state opinions as facts (which I know I struggle with) and also when we sort people into categories, especially based on the limited interactions we've had with them. Do I think Owen is a 'bad person'? No. Do I think having a personal relationship (of any sort) with Owen is bad for Christina? Yes. Definitely. Do I think Owen has a lot of work to do on himself before any woman should even consider building a relationship with him? Yes. Do I think he has the potential to one day morph into an amazing human being? Yes. Most of us do, if we're given a chance. Do I think Christina should be the one giving him that chance? No. Absolutely not. The damage is already done there. She needs to get out before they hurt each other further. Thanks, Travis, for all your amazing reactions to this show and all the other shows 🙏❤️ This is my first time commenting since joining your Patreon, so I hope I haven't said anything that breaks any rules or upsets anyone! 🙈

Reina C

People sticking up for Owen in the comments is CRAZY

Lacey Bornstein

👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 also hilarious because he is a fictional character. I feel pretty confident he was written to be hated. He didn’t tell her about his ex fiancée, strangled her, had the back and fourth with Teddy when he invited her to the hospital, proposed/married her when she was at her absolute lowest after the shooting, chose to support the abortion and then yelled at her at the party, and then cheated on her. He’s not a real person, if the writers wanted us to like him they would’ve given us reasons to 🤣