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Nikki S

PEYTON AND JAKE ! PEYTON AND JAKE! Squealing, giggling, kicking my feet ! 😂

Nikki S

Hot uncle cooper and hot Rachel, man.. phew. 🥵🔥


Such a good EP this one! But I have to say that I felt ZERO sorrow for Rachel here. She has NO problem opening up the time capsule to "revel people for who they really are" and expose all their private thoughts and secrets. Catches Brooke in a private moment and promises that she won't tell anyone and literally says "You know how people don't like private things revealed" ......THEN proceeds to reveal brooks private moment to everyone. She's LUCKY Brooke didn't go through with it because I would not fault her for a second if she did. Rachel seems to think she knows everything and can mess around in everyone's lives and look what it caused. She wants to hide behind her secrets but at the same time has no issue exposing other peoples. I hate her character so much, she has almost no likeable qualities.