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Thanks Ilsuk!


Ilsuk Yang

Trust me, you're not alone when it comes to Padme and Anakin 🤣🤣🤣 0 chemistry and that Anakin monologue about how he hates sand has become a huge part of meme culture. I mean, that is not how you get a woman, but with George Lucas being a terrible writer when it comes to romance, Anakin somehow succeeds in getting the girl 🤣🤣🤣 Also, you're definitely not the only one who felt that way about Hayden's acting as Anakin, here lol Count Dooku is indeed played by the same guy (Christopher Lee) that's in the Lord of the Rings. He plays the wizard gone bad named Saruman there. I love how confident Dooku was until he sensed Yoda coming 🤣🤣🤣 So, Yoda uses a very acrobatic form of lightsaber combat due to his small stature and his great abilities with the force. Obi-Wan uses the same form of lightsaber combat as Yoda here, just not nearly as well. Anakin uses a different style of lightsaber combat that focuses on aggression and strength. Count Dooku uses a very old style that focuses on dueling other lightsaber users with pinpoint accuracy and conservation of movement. It is indeed hilarious to see Yoda flipping around like that one-minute, then the next, he's struggling to walk. Basically, anytime you see a jedi or sith do something out of the ordinary, the answer is always the Force 🤣🤣🤣 Also, this movie came out in 2002, 3 years after The Phantom Menace and The Revenge of the Sith came out 3 years after this movie. In world, 10 years have passed between The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones. Next up is my personal favorite in the prequel trilogy, Revenge of the Sith! Not sure when I'll request it and if anyone wants to do so before me, feel free to do so 😁😁😁

John buchanan

Hayden does a much better job in the next film of acting. Episode 2 is my least favorite of the prequel trilogy. But his arrogance was supposed to make him seem whiny. Trying to show the difference in maturity from him and padme and Obi won. She is 24 and he is just 19… yes she was 14 as queen in episode 1

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Hello, Ilsuk. :) Since you have said it's okay if someone requests the next Star Wars movie, and I hope the next ones too, I would like to go ahead and request a number of the movies in the current chronological order that these movies have so far been requested in now, as my upcoming movie requests for the following months... April- Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith May- Solo: A Star Wars Story June- Rogue One: A Star Wars Story July- Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope August- Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back September- Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi As for the three movies within the Sequels Trilogy... I am not really a fan of these movies. So, I don't really care to request them, but maybe I will once we get to this point down the road. Or if you, or someone else wishes to request them instead, this is absolutely fine with me. I hope this is okay with you, my friend. Thank you for requesting Attack of the Clones. As well as The Phantom Menace too, of course. I would have preferred that Travis watch these movies for the first time in the movies' release order, but the chronological order is fine too. And I am happy that you have been happy to get this movie series going. :) Sincerely, Heidi